Professional article on the effect of microclimate conditions in the gaps on the success of natural regeneration success in Dinaric silver fir - beech forest
F.17 Transfer of existing technologies, know-how, methods and procedures into practice
COBISS.SI-ID: 2086822Best management practices for forests with hydrological function.
F.17 Transfer of existing technologies, know-how, methods and procedures into practice
COBISS.SI-ID: 2138022Setup of a network of 10 automated weather stations in forestswith description of the methodology
F.23 Development of new system-wide, normative and programme solutions, and methods
COBISS.SI-ID: 2536870In last four years we prepared separate part of Slovenia's national inventory report 2009 for UN FCCC regarding Land use, land use change and forestry
F.01 Acquisition of new practical knowledge, information and skills
COBISS.SI-ID: 2482854Manual on intensice phenological observation on forest trees in the frame of Intensive forest ecosystem monitoring
F.17 Transfer of existing technologies, know-how, methods and procedures into practice
COBISS.SI-ID: 2193574