The world’s oceans cover 70% of the earth surface and pay a major role in the global mercury (Hg) cycling. In surface layers Hg can be transformed, and due to the reduction and /or oxidation sea water surface can be source or a sink for atmospheric mercury. Evaporation from the ocean surface s is of a particular importance as Hg evaded can be transported over long distances and deposited in ecosystem sensitive areas. To control these processes in response to global mercury inventory it is very important to implement comparable measurements. This was the main theme the GMOS-GEOTRACES-COST internacional workshop organized Piran, Slovenia. The workshop was timely as a new global mercury convention is preparation. Over 60 participants from all over the word participated and the results were published, however not as yet entered in COBISS.
B.01 Organiser of a scientific meeting
In the framework of the 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant – ICMGP which was organized in August in Halifax Canada, a special session related to the Hg in contaminated sites was organized and chaired. The conference is the largest of this kind and normally over 1000 participants attend the conference. From over 70 proposals for a special session, only 21 were approved, among which Hg in contaminated sites received slots for two sessions: one for biogeochemistry and the second for health aspects. The main motivation was to promote the activities carried out in Slovenia and represents an upgrade of the workshop organized in 2010 in Slovenia. It was also meant to contribute to the current UNEPs process for the preparation of the new Hg global convention.
B.01 Organiser of a scientific meeting
COBISS.SI-ID: 25381671