Prof. dr. Matej Brešar is a member of editorial boards of the following international scientific journals: Communications in Algebra, Mathematica Pannonica, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis.
C.04 Editorial board of an international magazine
COBISS.SI-ID: 14518617Prof. dr. Peter Šemrl is a member of editorial boards of the following international scientific journals: Linear and multilinear algebra (publisher Taylor & Francis), Linear algebra and its applications (publisher Elsevier), Operators and matrices (publisher Ele-math), Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, and a member of the editorial board of Image, The bulletin of the International linear algebra society.
C.04 Editorial board of an international magazine
COBISS.SI-ID: 25872128The Committee aims to support mathematics in Eastern Europe. Its main activity is to give travel grants to conferences to enable young qualified mathematicians to attend. The Committee also looks for other forms of fulfilling its mission.
D.08 Management and development of research activities
Peter Šemrl is a member of Advisory board of International linear algebra society (ILAS). ILAS is an international organization of mathematicians from all over the world working in the field of linear algebra and related topics.
D.03 Membership in foreign/international boards/committees
Matej Brešar is a member of Advisory board for natural sciences and mathematics at ARRS, which prepares proposals for the evaluation of research work and follows its progress.
D.08 Management and development of research activities