The PG members are also strongly included in the pedagogic work at the FEE&CS, UM and they are partly, at FE, UM. They cooperate with 16 subjects at the graduate study programme and with 8 subjects at the post graduate study programme, both the former and the new bologna study programme. Inclusion of the PG members in the pedagogic process (lectures, tutorials, lab work, textbooks; 3 in the 2009) and scientific research work in the frame of the PG and projects on the other side enables very propulsive transfer of the created knowledge into the pedagogic process and widely into the enterprises.
D.10 Educational activities
COBISS.SI-ID: 244220928Co-workers of the programme group presented 10 contributions, which represent a well rounded work area of the PG in the last period. The most important of them are in the following areas: electro mechanic systems, electromagnetic field numerical modelling, magnetic measurements and modelling of magnetic fluid, numerical solving of the coupled problems, grounding systems modelling, and optimization methods.
B.03 Paper at an international scientific conference
COBISS.SI-ID: 13738262Active international activity of the programme group members in 2009 can be seen as memberships in the boards of international scientific conferences: - ISEF International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering - International Symposium on Advanced Electro Mechanical Motion System (ELECTROMOTION) - EMF International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields In 2010: - EHE International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields, Healt and Environment - Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics (PSAEM)
D.03 Membership in foreign/international boards/committees
COBISS.SI-ID: 13609750For company SAVATECH d.o.o. we executed course of education for DC drives. In the industry of rubber products the DC drives are traditionally used. Because of automation of industry processes in this type of drives the special converters are used. Especially important is that we executed beside the lectures also practically education course on real applications. The practically part was prepared by research equipment of our PG. The first response from leadership of SAVATECH d.o.o. company was good, so we will prepare for the year 2010 the continuation of aforementioned course of education.
F.18 Transfer of new know-how to direct users (seminars, fora, conferences)
COBISS.SI-ID: 13439510Both doctorates were in the field of PG working field and they are important scientific and research achievements. One of them was the field of the electromagnetic converters, the other being in the field of the atmospheric discharges. Both doctorates found employment outside FEE&CS, namely the first at FE, UM, the other in the industry, and at the same time he is included at the PG as researches.
D.09 Tutoring for postgraduate students
COBISS.SI-ID: 247640832