We reported for the first time t(8;17;16) with gene MYST rearrangement. Since the breakpoints of partner chromosomes 8 (8p11) and 16(16p13) corresponded to that of the recurrent translocation t(8;16) we tested expression of MYST3/CREBBP protein. Using RT-PCR we were able to confirm it. In our case the subtype of AML (AML M2 according to FAB classification) as well as clinical course of disease (no extramedullary involvement or coagulation disorder) were distinct from the earlier reports. Therefore, also the prognostic value of the novel variant t(8;16) should be studied in the future.
F.02 Acquisition of new scientific knowledge
COBISS.SI-ID: 26053593When histological material is not available, cytological material can be used for HER2 determination; however, semiquantitative assessment of immunocytochemistry can often be difficult and inaccurate. We showed that high accuracy can be achieved by optimization of immunocytochemical protocols. In a series of 55 primary and 48 metastatic breast cancers we achieved a high concordance with FISH: amplification was present in 13/14 samples with 3+ reaction and 1/65 samples with 0/1+ reaction.
F.22 Improvement to existing health/diagnostic methods/procedures
COBISS.SI-ID: 815995ZAP-70 protein expression is a potentially useful prognostic marker for patients with CLL. Many studies have been done to analyse ZAP-70 expression in whole blood samples (WBS), but only few in lymph nodes (LN). We compared ZAP-70 expression in FNAs of LN and in WBS of patients with CLL. ZAP-70 index was negative in all WBS of healthy donors. In CLL patients ZAP-70 index was positive in 78% FNAs of LN and in 63% of WBS. In 19 patients with parallel FNAs and WBS, ZAP-70 index was significantly higher in LN than in WBS. This was related to significantly higher ZAP-70 expression in T lymphocytes.
B.03 Paper at an international scientific conference
COBISS.SI-ID: 803707Due to its minimal invasiveness, fine needle aspiration biopsy is partcularly imortant and useful in the pediatric age group. The invitation to give a lecture at the scientific meeting of the Pathological Society is a honour for Slovenian pathology and a confirmation of dr. Pohar's place among world leading experts in the field of paediatric cytopathology.
B.04 Guest lecture
COBISS.SI-ID: 65324032Screening of some recurrent chromosomal aberrations in Slovenian multiple myeloma patients has shown that newly tested aberrations, namely amp(1q), amp(15q), del(1p), and del(6q) are relatively frequent. Their frequency is in accordance with the published data. These aberrations can emerge together or autonomously. This correlation was also studied and we could show that some aberrations are highly associated. The obtained results are a good basis for future routine molecular cytogenetics testing of multiple myeloma patients.
B.03 Paper at an international scientific conference
COBISS.SI-ID: 26053849