The manufacturing and use of products have extreme impacts on the natural environment and the depletion of natural resources. Product ecodesign principles are based on the idea of the inclusion of environmental aspects of a product over its entire environmental lifecycle. The aim of the study was to gather and evaluate situations on ecodesign in ISO 14001-certified manufacturing companies in the Republic of Slovenia in order to investigate whether product ecodesign measures are promoted as a result of adopting ISO 14001 certification or not. The most important ecodesign criteria were evaluated and prioritized. In addition, the main drivers and barriers as well as information sources on product ecodesign were determined.
F.02 Acquisition of new scientific knowledge
COBISS.SI-ID: 11129372Entrepreneurial research is mainly focused on studying the driving force of the business process, which is the entrepreneur, namely its ambitions, innovativeness, and entrepreneurial attitudes, along with fears, reasons, and constraints, which prevent qualified individuals from treading the path of entrepreneurship. The results of the study have shown that with increased economic development, there is a general decline in the scope of recognition of business opportunities among the population. In Slovenia, early-stage entrepreneurial activities of adult population have again declined dramatically in 2011. This can be claimed not only on the recession, but also on poor regulated business environment and also certain other conditions of doing business based on which individuals decide to found a company or not. Besides measuring demographic characteristics of entrepreneurial population and basic framework conditions, scientific monograph deals with analysis of innovative orientation of businesses, propensity to growth, readiness of population to accept novelties, recognition of business opportunities, entrepreneurial capabilities of adult population regarding the understanding of cultural support, entrepreneurial capabilities of adult population regarding self-confidence as well as some other influential factors were analyzed. Core fields, to which the economic policy should be emphasized, were also determined. In this year’s analysis, we have dedicated special attention also to the entrepreneurial activities of intrapreneurs. Entrepreneurship is not taking place only in market where entrepreneurs create new businesses, but also in established companies where individuals search for new opportunities, and develop new or different products or services for their employers.
F.02 Acquisition of new scientific knowledge
COBISS.SI-ID: 70055169The paper describes gender differences in entrepreneurial attitudes and activity in 8 countries of the Danube region. The research results indicate that in all the countries analysed fewer women the men believe that promising business opportunities exist in their environment; fewer women are confident in their entrepreneurial skills, knowledge, and experiences; and more women indicate the fear of failure, which would prevent them from starting a business. In all the countries analysed, women are also less entrepreneurially active than men. When analyzing entrepreneurial education and training in 8 countries of the Danube region, the research results suggest that those who received formal and/or informal entrepreneurial education and training are on average more likely to start a business; this holds true for both genders. On average, 1 in 5 adult men and 1 in 8 adult women received formal entrepreneurship education and training. Meanwhile, on average, 1 in 7 men and 1 in 10 women received some informal training for entrepreneurship. Gender differences are significant.
F.02 Acquisition of new scientific knowledge
COBISS.SI-ID: 11311132In the book collection Slovenian Entrepreneurship Observatory researchers of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management published a scientific monograph which pointed to the central role and the importance of utilization the development potentials of small and medium-sized Slovenian companies in comparison with that of the EU. In-depth exploration of entrepreneurship in the context of Slovenian Entrepreneurship Observatory provides a harmonizing comparative analysis on nine areas of the SBA between the Slovenian and European economies. The main purpose is to produce consistent reports for economic policy makers and stakeholders to promote entrepreneurship in Slovenia and in the wider European context. Slovenia achieves better results than the EU average in three of the nine principles of the SBA, for which data are available, namely the principles of entrepreneurship, think small first and a single market. In all other areas, its results are the same or worse than average. The monograph presents the development potential of SMEs in three areas among ten SBA areas that are most closely associated with the actualization of the Europe 2020 Strategy, namely: entrepreneurship, knowledge and skills for innovation and single market.
F.02 Acquisition of new scientific knowledge
COBISS.SI-ID: 69329665Entrepreneurship is a complex and multidimensional activity that has a significant impact on economic and social development of national economies. Therefore, insights into the process of entrepreneurship and all influencing factors are crucial when appropriate economic policy measures are formed with the purpose to foster entrepreneurship. This paper presents a new measurement instrument: the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI), which enables comparative analysis of the entrepreneurial subsystem and the formation of appropriate economic policy measures based on data and synchronized in the global perspective.
F.02 Acquisition of new scientific knowledge
COBISS.SI-ID: 10974748