Small folklore forms are analyzed in relation to their role in literary folklore and their position/placement within a folklore act. Given that a folklore act presumes a time frame that is meant to cover longer folklore genres/forms, the dissertation introduces a new concept, that of the folklore moment, which favors the analysis of the shortest forms while preserving all dimensions of a folklore act: text, texture and context. Analysis of these forms also indicated the need for the introduction of the category of ritual small folklore forms, which includes healing words and prayers.
D.09 Tutoring for postgraduate students
COBISS.SI-ID: 50867298The article presents an overview of short folklore forms in Štrekelj legacy; among other geners there is 455 paremiological units, that were defined as proverbs; in this context is also shownig historical problem of the definition of proverbs.
B.04 Guest lecture
COBISS.SI-ID: 34357805The study of proverbs in newspapers (Delo and Dnevnik) within the specified time period was made in the context of a broader comparative study of Finnish and Estonian collaborators. There was examined the use of proverbs and their modifications in newspaper language. Forward we reconstructed the purpose of individual uses of proverb in newspaper language.
B.03 Paper at an international scientific conference
COBISS.SI-ID: 34810669