Authors of this article studied the case of Agrarian Common Ravnik-Orlovše. The focus of their research was how individual members' tendencies correspond with the interests of the common policy on managing the timber of common forest, here understood as a common pool resource. The aim was to test co-operation readiness among members in the process of managing their common resources. Their overcoming of individual personal interests and benefits was examined by three methods, economic experiment, inquiry and interviews. Our test proved to be structured properly as results gathered by all three used methods correspond. The decision making process reveal a social responsible character, developed through history in regular face to face communication with low transaction costs.
COBISS.SI-ID: 1472358
The paper presents an overview of the situation in the Slovenian agricultural cooperative movement in the post socialist period. Cooperatives have in Slovenia an uninterrupted traditions of over hundred and forty years, where in different political systems they have had different roles. In the paper we focus on the development in the period after the adoption of the Cooperative act in 1992, with the focus on the situation in last decade. Based on the literature review we analysed the performance of the cooperatives, their governance structure and market position. In the second part we present the future prospect of the cooperatives’ development in Slovenia.
COBISS.SI-ID: 6861433
The article is presenting the development of cooperative movement from legislative poin of view in Slovenia from end of 19th century onwards. In first part of the article the historical development of coopratives over different socio-economic systems is given. The second part is devoted to analysis of cooperatives' development in the period after the independance.
COBISS.SI-ID: 12128795