The papers address hermeneutical approaches to music in the epistemological theory and practice of music research. How can we define the referential systems by which music is determined and through which music gets its own sense and meaning? What is the relation between these systems? Such questions are of particular weight in relation to current music practices, characterized by a great many of analytical procedures and hermeneutical views. The questions raised open a series of different thematic fields presented in this book. The authors allocate the place of music to the field of aesthetic autonomy or describe its specific sign system(s). Special attention is focused on the systems of musicological contextualization and the meaning/understanding of music in different historical and/or functional contexts, from traditional liturgical chant up to recent compositions. Various contributions in the collection are dedicated to the relation between music and film, while others deal with the special sociological conditions that constitute some specific musical praxis, such as folk or rock music.
C.01 Editorial board of a foreign/international collection of papers/book
COBISS.SI-ID: 48307298The monograph provides a comprehensive overview of Slovene 20th-century music after D. Cvetko published his history of Slovenian music two decades ago. Darja Koter offers a readable, conceptually transparent and well-balanced view of events that emerged after 1918 with a series of telling accents. The author brings closer to the reader the otherwise sluggishly perceived national music of the 20th century and paved the way for musicological publications in this segment, rather important segment of publishing in Slovenian.
F.27 Contribution to preserving/protecting natural and cultural heritage
COBISS.SI-ID: 265605888The portrait of Janez Matičič is more than a monograph of a composer, acedemician, and pianist Janez Matičič: it is a culturology of music and musicins of the period after 1945. The author offered a very attractive view of the life and work of one of the most prominent Slovene contemporary composers to the widest circle of interested readers and music lovers. Since the common knowledge on contemporary music is rather poor, this book is of an extremely importance for dissemination of musicological scientific work among the widest possible circle of people.
F.27 Contribution to preserving/protecting natural and cultural heritage
COBISS.SI-ID: 263102464