The article presents an analytical overview of Cigličʼs piano compositions - presumably, he wrote fifty, but only twenty survived. Even though all of them are youthful works, numerous features found in his mature works are already evident. The connection between his youthful and mature works is a rather complex one, as it is related not only to aesthetics and composing technique but also to the material used. For this reason, it is possible to make conclusions that Ciglič was focused on constantly writing one and the same Composition.
COBISS.SI-ID: 51315554
Orchestral works represent a distinctly minor part of Savinʼs compositional output and are written around the chronological edges of his creative span, atthe beginning of his activity as a composer and later towards the end of his life. Nevertheless a study of these compositions demonstrates how Savin gradually improved his compositional technique and became a master in instrumentation.
COBISS.SI-ID: 51274850
The article presents an analytical profile of Savinʼs works for childrenʼs andyouth choirs and outlines their main compositional characteristics.
COBISS.SI-ID: 51275874