In the paper the investigation of two thick-film resistor materials for application in piezoresistive pressure sensor were presented. Resistor materials are developed for firing on relatively inert (non-reactive) alumina substrates. The characteristic of thick-film resistors on different LTCC substrates were evaluated.
B.03 Paper at an international scientific conference
COBISS.SI-ID: 26117415In this paper we present a piezoresistive ceramic pressure sensor realised in LTCC technology aimed to use for measuring low pressure (0 – 100mbar) in harsh environments and for different pressure media/fluids.
F.06 Development of a new product
COBISS.SI-ID: 26116903In the paper two fast-growing fields of ceramic microsystems for automotive applications were presented. The first are cooling systems based on electro-caloric effect and the second are ceramic pressure sensors for harsh environment.
F.05 Ability to launch new technological development cycle
COBISS.SI-ID: 25898791