Dialectology work on Slovenian linguistic territory primarily uses ad hoc abbreviations or labels for research points or areas when defining the geographical range of individual linguistic features for efficiency. The numeric marking of places in SLA is the most established, but less communicative. The SLOnar system makes possible the uniform designation of geographical data in Slovenian dialectology. By combining individual abbreviations in it, one can unambiguously designate the dialect group, dialect, subdialect, and research point (and the country where the place studied is located) all the way down to the individual speaker or informant.
F.24 Improvements to existing system-wide, normative and programme solutions, and methods
COBISS.SI-ID: 37872941A lecture at the Institute for Slavic Philology of Jagielon University in Krakow, March the 3rd, 2014: Due to different geograpcical and historical reasons the Slovenian language is the most diverse in the Slavic world. This reflects in its phonological, morphological, word-formational, syntactical as well as semantic aspects. The lecture concentrates on the semantic diversity of the lexemes, gathered in The Slovenian Linguistic Atlas.
B.05 Guest lecturer at an institute/university
COBISS.SI-ID: 36879149In a lecture at the University of Padua, May the 7th 2014, where the graduate and postgraduate students of Slavic Studies and some professors from the Department of Roman, German and Slavic Studies were present, the work for the Slovenian linguistic atlas (the collection of dialect material, the structure of interactive database, the linguistic analysis, commentaries, and mapping methods) and its use in the educational process was presented.
B.05 Guest lecturer at an institute/university
COBISS.SI-ID: 38040365The article presents preparing for publishing the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas (SLA) online. One of the goals of the project Tangible Cultural Heritage in Slovenian Dialects: A Geolinguistic Presentation as part of the preparation of the second volume of the SLA is to further develop appropriate tools and methods for transcribing, analyzing, and geolinguistically presenting dialect material not only in traditional book form, but also electronically. In addition, expanding the database and improving the ways for linking it to a GIS also make possible an interactive spatial presentation of linguistic material: by accessing digitized archive material, audio and video footage, and other online links to information studies of the local dialect and place and to online dictionaries and corpuses. The use of information and linguistic technologies will help disseminate the research findings (including online) and promote the use of linguistic material in both schools and the general public, while offering assistance to researchers as well. SLA 1 has been (as html) published on line till now (http://sla.famnit.upr.si/sla/publikacije.html#v and www.fran.si).
F.23 Development of new system-wide, normative and programme solutions, and methods
COBISS.SI-ID: 36793645The doctoral disseratation of K. Šumenjak (mentor J. Škofic) is an interdisciplinary work that brings together corpus linguistics and dialectology and tries to examine how these two areas can be integrated. It brings important dialectal material of local speech of Kopriva (SLA T110) and its phonological description, morphological and syntactic analyses. It's also important from methodological point of view as it represents the first dialectal corpus of Slovene language, which brings possibilities for connection with interactive linguistic atlas and other language technologies.
D.09 Tutoring for postgraduate students
COBISS.SI-ID: 512940160