In cooperation with the Slovenian intelligent passenger carrier GoOpti we received an EuroCloud Europe Award 2014 awarded to us by a professional association of expert for cloud computing EuroCloud. The two day Congress gathered the entire European Cloud ecosystem and its high quality cloud projects with the aim to share and present the latest technical and regulatory developments relevant for Europe’s Cloud industry. For the fourth time in a row, the European jury composed of international university professors, government representatives from Luxembourg, researchers and financial auditors, reviewed all the winners from the national EuroCloud Awards that took place over the past months. GoOpti was awarded from 50 winners from 12 different countries.
E.02 International awards
We have collected, edited and upgraded the database of all providers of multimodal passenger transportation services in Slovenia. The database was imported into the OpenTripPlanner system, which was at the same time upgraded to allow calculation of multimodal travel between two locations in Slovenia.
F.16 Improvements to an existing information system/databases
The ERSCP is one of Europe's most remarkable conferences in its field and has taken place periodically since 1994. ERSCPs favour discussions about the key issues in sustainable consumption and production; the exchange of thoughts, knowledge, experiences and SCP proposals; and the creation of a European (also worldwide) community of research and practice in sustainable consumption and production.
B.01 Organiser of a scientific meeting
COBISS.SI-ID: 276357632