One of the most important independent IT conferences in Slovenia OTS 2015 ( – Advanced technologies and services was organized for the twentieth time. The jubilee has once more confirmed that it is one of the leading independent IT conferences in Slovenia, which connects companies and academia enabling knowledge transfer on advanced IS/IT approaches, tools, services and technologies. The conference is aimed at IS/IT professionals, researchers and developers. The focus of the OTS 2015 conference was on key success factors in IT, efficient development methods, challenges of modern business solutions, information security, mobile solutions, Internet of Things and data technologies. Nearly 250 participants attended the OTS 2015 Conference.
B.01 Organiser of a scientific meeting
COBISS.SI-ID: 82599169The members of the research program have organized international conferences and workshops in 2015. - The EJC conference (European-Japanese Conference) – 25th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases took place from 8-12 June 2015 and the extended papers from the conference were published as chapters in a monography by IOS Press. - From 8-10 June 2015 the 4th Workshop SQAMIA (Software Quality Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and Applications) also took place. - From 22-24 June 2015 the members organized a conference CESCIT. - Between 24 and 28 August 2015 the KMO conference (Knowledge Management in Organizations) and LTEC workshop (Learning Technology for Education in Cloud) were organized as collocated events. The proceedings from the KMO conference and LTEC workshop were published by Springer.
C.01 Editorial board of a foreign/international collection of papers/book
COBISS.SI-ID: 82674433Some members of the program group participated as mentors within six projects "The creative way to practical knowledge" within the OP HRD 2007-2013 development priority 1: “Promoting entrepreneurship and adaptability”, priority axis 1.3: “Scholarship schemes”: - Increasing the acceptance and use of interactive content on smart devices (cooperating UM FERI, UM FNM, Osnovna šola in vrtec Apače, Steljes Evropa d.o.o.) - Optimizing agile supply chain of telecommunications equipment (cooperating UM FL, UM FERI, AMIS družba za telekomunikacije d.o.o.) - Ubiquitous IT solutions for the improvement of human health (cooperating UM FERI, Margento R/D) - Interdisciplinary development of innovative solutions for efficient digital marketing and profitable sale (cooperating UM EPF, UM FERI, BuyITC inovativne internet rešitve d.o.o.) - Optimization of the risk assessment for diabetes mellitus type 2 (cooperating UM FZV, UM FERI, UM MF, UL FFA, Visama d.o.o., Zdravstveni dom dr. Adolfa Drolca Maribor) - A holistic approach to location-dependent mobile application testing (UM FERI, Mikropis Holding d.o.o.) Participation in these projects allows us to actively guide the students in research work, where they consolidate their knowledge by solving real problems in the economic environment, acquire skills of communication and cooperation, and in a direct way learn about the importance and necessity for the transfer of research findings into everyday practice.
D.01 Chairing over/coordinating (international and national) projects
COBISS.SI-ID: 2190756Information security presents one of key elements for successful realization of smart city and smart community concept. DF:lab - Laboratory for digital forensics is planned within the infrastructure development plan of Development Programme Innovative Open Technology (IOT). LAB:UM is one of the IOP program pillars, which will enable joint infrastructure services, needed for successful R&D work of the actors involved. It is a key mechanism to support the investigation of serious cases of abuse and fraud as well as security devices connected to the Internet of Things and advanced ICT-based services.
D.02 Establishment of a research centre, laboratory, study course, association
COBISS.SI-ID: 19034646In 2015, the members of the research programme (Tatjana Welzer Družovec, Marko Hölbl and Lili Nemec Zlatolas) have presented and disseminated the finding of their research work to the broader public. These included the guest appearances on the News at 5 on TV SLO 1 channel (“How safe are we on the web?”, “Cautious on the web!”), on the Tele M channel (“Look after your web security”) and on the national radio station Radio Slovenia in the morning chronicle, titled “Security on the web”. Additionally, Lili Nemec Zlatolas has collaborated in the round table titled “Stasi – NSA – surveillance 25 years after the fall of the Berlin wall” and conducted lectures on the topics of privacy and the social network Facebook for the Maribor Law association. - HÖLBL, Marko (interviewee), SCHLAMBERGER, Niko (interviewee), NEMEC ZLATOLAS, Lili (interviewee), WELZER-DRUŽOVEC, Tatjana (interviewee), ŽALIK, Borut (interviewee). How safe are we on the web? : news topic of News at 5 at TV SLO, 9. 12. 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 19217686] - ZAJC, Melita, JERŠE, Alenka, KOCJAN, Aleš, NEMEC ZLATOLAS, Lili. What do they know about you? : Roundtable under the title Stasi – NSA – surveillance 25 years after the fall of the Berlin wall, 9. 11. 2015, Maribor. [COBISS.SI-ID 19114006] - NEMEC ZLATOLAS, Lili. Privacy and social network Facebook : lecture at Maribor Law association (Pravniško društvo Maribor) Maribor, 5. 11. 2015. 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 19119126] - GREGOREC, Jasmina. Look after your web security : broadcast on Tele M, 11. marca 2015. 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 18597398] - GREGOREC, Jasmina. Cautious on the web! : news topic of News at 5 at TV SLO, 11. 3. 2015. 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 18597654] - GODEC, Jasmina. Safety on the web : news topic of Morning chronicle at Radio Slovenija, 13. 3. 2015. 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 18603542]
F.18 Transfer of new know-how to direct users (seminars, fora, conferences)
COBISS.SI-ID: 19217686