The target group of information booklet for the measure “Agro-melioration on land consolidation areas” within the Rural Development Program (RDP) in the Republic of Slovenia 2014-2020 are actors of land consolidations and parallel agro-melioration in Slovenia. Within the research project it was noticed, that that there is a missing knowledge about land operations within different actors (public institutions, local communities as well as farmers i.e. land owners). In the publication, the procedures of land consolidations and agro-meliorations are presented, including challenges and limits in the protected areas and finance support options within RDP.
F.18 Transfer of new know-how to direct users (seminars, fora, conferences)
COBISS.SI-ID: 281839872The aim of the project was to analyse various legal regimes and other legally binding acts concerning rural areas, to provide directives and conditions for implementing certain types of land management instruments on protected and protective areas, in particular according to the Spatial Planning Act, Agricultural Land Act, Nature Conservation Act, Environment Protection Act, Water act, Energy act, and Cultural Heritage Protection Act. Each of protection measures contains specific land use and land planning limitations. As a result of the project, the overview of legal regimes and other restrictions in Slovenian rural areas are presented in this report, which influence the content and possibilities for implementing land operations. Requirements for allocation and implementation of land operations are analysed for various protected and protective areas. In addition, some proposals and guidelines for implementing land operations according to the paradigm of sustainable development are given.
D.01 Chairing over/coordinating (international and national) projects
COBISS.SI-ID: 7374433The main topic of lectures for master students of the international program "Land management" at the Technical University of Munich was land consolidation in the transition countries, where spatial data infrastructure was also outlined as support for quality decisions.
B.05 Guest lecturer at an institute/university
COBISS.SI-ID: 7116385At the international symposium of the European academy EALD, data sources to study past land use in Slovenia were presented. The Urbar is known from the Middle Ages, in which subordinate possession of farmers were registered. In the 15th–18th century, the special property book was used to record various taxes (ground rent). In the 18th century, two systematic inventories (cadastres) were completed. However, the main source for studying land use and land plot structure in Slovenia in the past is the parcel-oriented land cadastre with cadastral maps, whose roots date back to the early 19th century, where systematic cadastral mapping was carried out, and the so-called Franciscean land cadastre was established.
B.03 Paper at an international scientific conference
COBISS.SI-ID: 7235425