The problem, which is solved by the presented innovation, is the construction solution and the manufacturing process of a Multipole magnetizing device used for the magnetization of the high coercive permanent magnets (such as ferrites and rare earths SmCo or NdFeB). These magnets need very high magnetic field strength, concentrated in specific and narrow areas, to achieve the point of magnetic material saturation. This guarantees the accuracy of the geometric shape of the magnetic poles, the stability of the magnetization process and a minimum scattering of the amplitude of the magnetic field between poles. A magnetization device must be able to withstand high forces of the magnetic field, which is generated as a result of the current pulses at magnetization. In this process heat is also released, causing heating of the whole system during the magnetization. Therefore, the solution also has an integrated cooling system. With the mentioned patent all described problems are solved successfully, so that the procedure is useful for magnetization of permanent magnets in large series production. Currently, this magnetization procedure is used in the production of the stepping motors for magnetization of the multi pole rotors in the company Iskra MEHANIZMI, Kropa. With that they were able to achieve a much better characteristics of the engines compared to the global competition stepping engines producers, which contributes to the expansion of their markets.
F.32 International patent
COBISS.SI-ID: 19721494The purpose of the Stirling engine with a continuous operation is the exploitation of renewable sources of energy, thereby reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Renewable resources, which this device can exploit are particularly solar energy and biomass. Target devices in which such a mechanism would be integrated are households micro cogeneration systems, where heat of biomass would be used for heating homes and sanitary water, electricity, which would be produced simultaneously , could be used for self-sufficiency or for selling. In the case of exploitation of solar energy, available in the summer, the heat can be used only for hot water, while electricity could be used for covering self-consumption. Greater social economic benefit is definitely the exploitation of solar energy, which has no CO2 emissions into the environment. Moreover, we have energy, which is free of charge. In the case of connections of smaller cogeneration units into larger network systems, solar heat can be used in manufacturing processes, which require the use of higher temperatures during the various stages of production. The device can exploit energy, which has high temperature potential (eg. Solar energy using a concentrator). In this case, helium in used as the system gas. In the case of exploiting low temperature energy (eg. Waste heat from the cooling of manufacturing processes), refrigerant gas, having a low temperature of evaporation and high temperature of condensation is used as the system gas.
F.33 Slovenian patent
COBISS.SI-ID: 513888631The dissertation addressed the optimization of electrical energy production from hydro power plants and thermal power plants. It refers to short-term optimization and presents a complex optimization problem. The complexity of the problem arises from an extensive number of co-dependent variables and power plant constraints. According to the complexity of the problem, the differential evolution algorithm known as the successful and robust optimization algorithm was selected as an appropriate algorithm for optimization. The performance of this differential evolution algorithm is connected closely with the control parameters' set and its capabilities being, inter alia, improved by the algorithm's parallelization. The capabilities of achieving a global optimal solution within the optimization of electrical energy production are improved by the proposed modified differential evolution algorithm with new parallelization mode. This algorithm's performance is also improved by its proposed dynamic population size throughout the optimization process. In addition to achieving better optimization results in comparison with the classic differential evolution algorithm, the proposed dynamic population size reduces convergence time. The improvements of this algorithm presented in the dissertation, besides the power plant models used mostly in scientific publications, were also tested on the power plant models represented by real parameters'. The optimization of electrical energy from hydro and thermal power plants is followed by certain criteria; satisfying system demand, minimising usage of water quantity per produced electrical energy unit, minimising or eliminating water spillage, satisfying the final reservoir states of hydro power plants and minimising fuel costs and emissions of thermal power plants.
D.09 Tutoring for postgraduate students
COBISS.SI-ID: 18645782Active international activity of the programme group members can be seen as memberships in the boards of international scientific conferences: - ISEF Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering - ELECTROMOTION Symposium on Advanced Electro Mechanical Motion System - EHE Conference on Electromagnetic Fields, Healt and Environment - EMF Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields - SAEM Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics - ENRE Conference of Energy & Responsibility - PES Conference on Applied Electromagnetics - ENERGYCON – IEEE International Energy Conference - SDEWES Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems - Conference THERMOPHYSICS - Euro-mediterranean Hydrogen Technologies Conference, Transformer Research and Asset Management
D.03 Membership in foreign/international boards/committees
The Company Hidria Rotomatika d.o.o. is a world known producer of induction motors used in the field of semi-hermetic compressors drives. In the year 2015, the 37 kW (50 Hp) four pole hybrid line-start permanent magnet motor with interior permanent magnets buried below the squirrel cage for semi-hermetic compressor drives has been designed and tested. By changing the rotor lamella cross-section (changing the shape and the area of the rotor slot, appropriate position and appropriate selection of the permanent magnet material) a 5 % increase of the efficiency in the vicinity of nominal working point has been achieved in comparison to the existent induction motor with the same physical dimensions. Results of the proposed research can have a significant influence on decreasing of greenhouse emissions. With the introduction of the energy high-efficient products to the potential industrial partners, their competitiveness and profitability in the global market can be improved. The direct impact of this project can be reflected in the reduction of energy usage and increased production and export of energy high-efficient products.
F.06 Development of a new product