Magnetization curves are obtained with measurements and used for the description of magnetic material properties. In the case where the curve is rough problems can appear during the Finite Element Method (FEM) calculations. One of the solutions is the use of an analytically written curve, which fits the measured curve. In this paper different analytical expressions are tested on different measured magnetization curves and compared with each other. Different evolutionary methods are used and tested for the determination of the analytical expressions’ parameters: The Genetic Algorithm, Differential Evolution with three different strategies, Teaching-Learning Based Optimization and Artificial Bee Colony. To obtain credible and optimal results, we made a statistic evaluation of the results using Cross-validation, CRS4EAs (Chess rating system for evolutionary algorithms), and the Holm test. Based on the test’s results we improved the more appropriate evolutionary method, which was Artificial Bee Colony, using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. As a result, two different methods: are presented and tested which combine Artificial Bee Colony and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. An analytical expression is presented which can be used for a wide range of different materials’ curves and also a stable and efficient method for the determination of the analytical expression’s parameters. The presented solution is appropriate to be used together with, or as a part of, FEM calculation software. For preparation of magnetic material data the presented solution can be used as an independent programme for the transformation of the H-B table of values presenting not-smooth measured magnetic material curves (or measured with too few points) into the H-B table of values presenting smooth magnetic material curve which can be used as input data for any FEM software.
COBISS.SI-ID: 19965462
This paper introduces measurements using eddy currents and the estimation of hidden crack dimensions. The measurements were made on the defect-free side of the aluminium plate. The dimensions of the excitation coil were investigated with the aim of optimizing the sensitivity of the measurements. Measured values were smoothed properly in order to ease further processing. Furthermore, the estimation of the crack dimensions was made using pre-calculated values obtained with a Finite Element Model. Measurements and tests were made for three different test plates with straight cracks and for one test plate with a crack that was not straight.
COBISS.SI-ID: 20042518
The presented paper describes accurate distance measurement for a field-sensed magnetic suspension system. The proximity measurement is based on a Hall effect sensor. The proximity sensor is installed directly on the lower surface of the electro-magnet, which means that it is very sensitive to external magnetic influences and disturbances. External disturbances interfere with the information signal and reduce the usability and reliability of the proximity measurements and, consequently, the whole application operation. A sensor fusion algorithm is deployed for the aforementioned reasons. The sensor fusion algorithm is based on the Unscented Kalman Filter, where a nonlinear dynamic model was derived with the Finite Element Modelling approach. The advantage of such modelling is a more accurate dynamic model parameter estimation, especially in the case when the real structure, materials and dimensions of the real-time application are known. The novelty of the paper is the design of a compact electromagnetic actuator with a built-in low cost proximity sensor for accurate proximity measurement of the magnetic object. The paper successively presents a modelling procedure with the finite element method, design and parameter settings of a sensor fusion algorithm with Unscented Kalman Filter and, finally, the implementation procedure and results of real-time operation. Such an approach can be used in many different electro-mechanical applications where a relatively uncertain sensor is used and system behavior is known. The approach offers a great potential to acquiring the quantities, which are not directly measured with separated sensors but are estimated with the model and sensor fusion algorithm (measuring the coil current and the velocity of levitating object.
COBISS.SI-ID: 19822614
The design optimization of an axial flux permanent magnet synchronous machine with a coreless stator and double external rotor is accomplished by using evolutionary optimization with a genetic algorithm and an analytical evaluation of objective functions. On the basis of eight variable geometry parameters, five objective functions are optimized in order to determine the maximum volume torque density and weight torque density, the minimum volume and weight of permanent magnets per Newton-meter, and the minimum machine price per Newton-meter. Based on the geometric parameters for minimum machine price per Newton-meter, a prototype is built for the rated torque. Optimized and analytically evaluated machine characteristics are validated with a finite-element method (FEM) and the measurements of a prototype. Evolutionary optimization with the analytical evaluation of objective functions significantly shortens the computational time required for design optimization in comparison with the FEM.
COBISS.SI-ID: 84086785
The incorporation of magnetic barium hexaferrite nanoparticles in a transparent polymer matrix of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is reported for the first time. The barium hexaferrite nanoplatelets doped with Sc3+, i.e., BaSc0.5Fe11.5O12 (BaHF), having diameters in the range 20 to 130 nm and thicknesses of approximately 5 nm, are synthesized hydrothermally and stabilized in 1-butanol with dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid. This method enables the preparation of monolithic nanocomposites by admixing the BaHF suspension into a liquid monomer, followed by in-situ, bulk free-radical polymerization. The PMMA retains its transparency for loadings of BaHF nanoparticles up to 0.27 wt.%, meaning that magnetically and optically anisotropic, monolithic nanocomposites can be synthesized when the polymerization is carried out in a magnetic field. The excellent dispersion of the magnetic nanoparticles, coupled with a reasonable control over the magnetic properties achieved in this investigation, is encouraging for the magneto-optical applications of these materials.
COBISS.SI-ID: 18777878