The book consists of four main chapters. The main thesis of the first is that the essence of genocide is social death. The second interprets Nazism and Stalinism in the Kierkegaardian terms of different kinds of anxiety and existential stadia. The third investigates the significance of Christian culture for democracy in Europe and the danger of certain multicultural attitude (levelling-multiculturalism). The fourth finds out that there is a deficit of some key civic virtues in Slovenia (civility, capacity for dialogue and objection to the centres of power) and its origin.
COBISS.SI-ID: 6920538
Biblical families play an important role in the conception of education and the perception of the educational challenges of the modern world. Biblical human is confronted with all key family systems and educational dynamics. The added value of research Biblical families is the fact that biblical human in conflict situations is always looking for solutions in communication with God and with each other. Biblical human never despair.
COBISS.SI-ID: 7080026
The Catholic Church in Slovenia is facing the challenge of the new evangelisation in the area of religious education which, at present, is mainly confined to the parish catechesis. She recognises the urgent need to pass from the religious education of children to adult catechesis. The latter is already being implemented in various forms by a number of movements and new realities, which are mostly addressed to adults, indicating new catechetical approaches in a dechristianised environment.
COBISS.SI-ID: 6310490
Freedom makes humans human and makes human creativity possible; however, it also permits humans to abuse it. The human is thus a being that puts himself in danger. In this article we shall define the place that violence has in human existence, particularly the relation violence has toward truth. Pascal recognized that truth is principal opponent of violence. Violence and truth are in a paradoxical relationship with the paradoxical being that is man. We shall direct our special attention to the point where violence is no longer under control and becomes demonic. Demonic violence changes humans into non-humans. Three authors – Alain Finkielkraut, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and Alain Besançon – help us elucidate the role lie plays in the escalation of demonic violence. Both the Nazi and the Communist totalitarianism institutionalized lie in the form of ideology and political system with the intention to protect violence. Institutionalized lie is a consequence of human inactivity and indifference regarding truth. Engagement for truth leads away from lie and eliminates the conditions for violence.
COBISS.SI-ID: 7009114
The relationship between truth, integrity and reconciliation is investigated. Regarding the truth it highlights two phenomena, which adversely affected the attitude towards it and that can have disastrous consequences for the integrity of communities and reconciliation process. Next, a discussion on narrative and historical truth is investigated. The importance of truth, integrity and truthfulness of the community is exposed. At the end the role of truth and community integrity in the processes of reconciliation at the community level gets elaborated. The article was published in Scopus indexed journal with high impact factor. Šifra (dosežka): A.01 članek
COBISS.SI-ID: 7009370