Achievements of the research programme are of twofold importance for Slovenia. The first is contribution to advancement of new product development and the second is related to use of novel technologies in the development and use of intelligent computer systems. Both perspectives are important for the technological development of Slovenia as well as for its integration into current international technology advancement. Many joint applicative research projects with Slovenian companies testify about relevant impact of scientific and research work of the research group on knowledge transfer into engineering practice. This contributes to higher competitiveness of companies and North-East region of Slovenia, with which the group is traditionally involved. Several computer systems for evaluation of different machine elements were developed as results of group research. These systems can be used either as a basis for further research or for design of new products. Although the developed models are mostly connected to gear problems, they are also general enough to be applied for use in analysis of most mechanical elements. Collaboration with domestic and foreign companies has shown a great potential for the developed computer aided intelligent optimisation tool in engineering practice. The intelligent expert system for optimisation of mechanical structures based on engineering analyses was enriched with knowledge and experiences of several Slovenian companies that are also experimentally using the developed system for new product design. The applicative achievements of research in the filed of logistic simulation of production systems and tracking of main production parameters can be defined as excellent and very encouraging. Good collaboration with several Slovenian companies in the area of transport-logistical systems has contributed to notable improvement of their internal transport and logistic flows and with that a significant saving of resources.