Research programme achievements can be recognised in several scientific fields. The research work impact is evident from many scientific contributions to international scientific journals and international conferences by researchers from the research programme group. Newly developed procedures for more accurate estimation of gear service life comprise original ideas in the field of advanced engineering simulations and fracture mechanics. Especially the former, in the sense of improved simulation modelling of short crack propagation under loading and considering the special circumstances of gear operation, were very well accepted in international scientific and engineering community. In the field of intelligent computer aided system a new advising intelligent expert system for optimisation of mechanical structures on the basis of engineering analyses was developed together with the intelligent system for determination of the most appropriate finite element for engineering analyses in the framework of the finite element method. Both systems are being experimentally used in practice New discrete simulation models were developed in the field of company internal transport optimisation with aim of determining optimal material flow, thus supplying all material users with minimum production delay, reducing transport times and material restraint in the production process and achieving faster material flow and better use of production space. By studying various transport flow systems certain important relationships were determined, which are of wider importance for company production optimisation.