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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage (WoodCultHer)

Raziskovalci (2)
št. Evidenčna št. Ime in priimek Razisk. področje Vloga Obdobje Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  19106  dr. Miha Humar  Gozdarstvo,  lesarstvo in papirništvo  Raziskovalec  2007 - 2011  1.377 
2.  05248  dr. Franc Pohleven  Gozdarstvo,  lesarstvo in papirništvo  Vodja  2007 - 2011  1.205 
Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0481  Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta  Ljubljana  1626914  67.995 
Main objective The main objective of the Action is to improve the conservation of our wooden cultural heritage by increasing the interaction and synergy between wood scientists and other professionals applying wood science and technology towards the study, conservation and restoration of wooden artefacts of artistic or historic interest (WCHOs, i.e. Wooden Cultural Heritage Objects). Specific objectives may be identified as follows: General - To put into evidence how the modern scientific knowledge about wood may contribute to Diagnosis and Conservation of wooden Cultural Heritage. - To favour meeting and interaction, at both scientific and practical level, of researchers in the field of wood, specialists in conservation of wooden artworks, manufacturers of equipment and products which might be successfully used for the diagnosis, restoration and conservation of wooden artworks. - To acquire a deeper insight into several fields and processes concerning wood material (e.g. the ageing processes, their factors - physical, mechanical, biological, chemical, environmental - and their interactions), in order to improve the conservation of wooden artworks. - To develop criteria for evaluating durability of interventions during very long time (centuries). - To develop criteria for ensuring “re-treatability” (i.e. that present interventions will not impede future interventions, if and when needed). Wood deterioration - To develop new methods for the evaluation of new techniques and products for the conservation of wooden artworks. - To acquire further understanding of the process of bacterial wood degradation in order to develop practical conservation methods to preserve historical wooden structures and remains in the soil. - To further develop micro waves as a conservation method against insect degradation. Diagnostic methods and equipments - To develop and foster the implementation of the use of practical sensors to indicate risk to wooden objects in museums and at historic sites, or during the transportation of artworks. Interactions between wooden artworks and environment - To be able to better evaluate the interactions between individual wooden artworks and environment, also by direct monitoring physical changes and damage processes in objects. Dendrochronology - To stimulate the development of non-destructive high resolution scanners for in situ inspection of wooden objects to identify aging and degradation processes, that also allows tree-ring analyses (dendrochronology) for exact age determination. - To disseminate results which obtained by applying dendro-provenancing techniques, in order to support further historical and technological studies. Non-destructive inspection of wooden objects - To further develop non-destructive methods and equipments, for inspection and evaluation of both movable and non-movable WCHOs. Numerically modelling of risk of damage - To develop and validate mathematical models and computer simulations of short- or long-term phenomena, from the observation of past events and processes, aiming towards prediction of future behaviour. - To develop methods for predicting by simulation the long-term result of present interventions (e.g. present tendency to provide panel paintings with flexible cross-ties or frames). Long-term behaviour and accelerated ageing - To further explore specific subjects such as the properties and behaviour of old wood, the influence of ageing on the properties of WCHOs. - New principles, criteria, observation and evaluation methods need therefore to be developed in order to evaluate expected deterioration of WCHOs in the very long term. - To acquire knowledge and establish methods for studying deteriorations that take place during very long time periods (decades and centuries), and for evaluating the long-term compatibility of interventions, treatments, products, aiming to improve the conservation of wooden artworks.
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