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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Innovation and social learning in HEI

Raziskovalci (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Ime in priimek Razisk. področje Vloga Obdobje Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  23424  dr. Vesna Dolničar  Sociologija  Vodja  2014 - 2016  340 
Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0582  Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede  Ljubljana  1626957  40.401 
The ISOLearn project is in line with the principles stated in main charters and declarations of intention by major international and European institutions and governments (e.g. UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Article 24, Education); Salamanca Statement on Special Needs Education (1994); (European Convention on Human Rights), Article 2 Right to Education; European Social Charter (revised), Articles 15 and 17; Council of Europe Disability Action Plan 2006-2015 (Action Line 4, Education, and cross-cutting aspects); European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (Area of Action 5, Education and training)). In this project we presented some guidelines to promote the equal opportunities and improve the quality on the HE offers to visual and hearing-impaired persons, thus giving a major step in the implementation of these principles. The project brought together 8 partners from 4 European countries, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden, with long experience on previous European projects aiming at enhancing education, lifelong learning and social inclusion policies and practices in the HE systems. The main themes where Partners are experienced are: education, working with disadvantaged groups, definition of qualifications, validation of prior learning, validation of non-formal and informal learning, certification, and quality assurance. The project employed a quality assurance approach aiming to identify in advance potential risks or failures that could endanger the project’s timely and effective implementation and to mitigate, at an early stage, their impact on the project’s processes and outputs by setting certain quality standards and remedial actions. ISOLearn questionnaire provided crucial information regarding needs and gaps of V/HI students in higher education in Italy, Portugal, Sweden and Slovenia: - 10% of inquired selected the study because they couldn’t select anything else because of the impairment. - 85,1% of respondents say they need total or partial adaptations of the learning materials and 76,1% of respondents need total or partial adaptations of the lectures. On average the students do not consider the actions of HEI services to be satisfying in terms of elimination of barriers, communication and information about the rights of disabled students and providing services to ensure equal opportunities. Students in general are quite critical with study adaptations received, especially with adjustment of exams, inclusion in the study process, adjustment of study materials, help of counsellor/disabled student services, special resources, help form student association, teaching materials/tools, programmes and exams. This is worrying since 7 out of 11 factors relating to study are below the average scale. Both groups of students with hearing disabilities are not satisfied with adaptations regarding availability of sign language interpreter, classroom note taking and permission to use speech to text devices. Both groups of students with visual disabilities are not satisfied with adaptations especially in terms of availability of large print materials and classroom note taking. Depending on the group considered, students are not satisfied with the impact of some barriers related to their impairment: support and orientation, learning experience in other on-campus classes, use of university library, use of technical facilities, use of learning resources, use of exercises, laboratories, tools and activities and use of interactive tools/experiences. The overall satisfaction with assessment adaptations is less worrying than with study adaptations. However, deaf students are not satisfied with oral presentations adaptations. In terms of perception of success by impairment, 50% of hearing impaired consider that they are less successful due to their specific impairment. Therefore, ISOLearn project aimed to support the accessibility to the HEI innovative learning offer addressed to hearing-impai
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