Projekti / Programi
Koda |
Veda |
Področje |
Podpodročje |
4.06.00 |
Biotehnika |
Biotehnologija |
Koda |
Veda |
Področje |
3.04 |
Medicinske in zdravstvene vede |
Medicinska biotehnologija |
proteinske nanopore, detekcija, visoko zmogljivo zaznavanje, histoni
Raziskovalci (8)
št. |
Evidenčna št. |
Ime in priimek |
Razisk. področje |
Vloga |
Obdobje |
Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij |
1. |
15686 |
dr. Gregor Anderluh |
Biokemija in molekularna biologija |
Vodja |
2020 - 2023 |
981 |
2. |
31814 |
Urška Dečko |
Tehnični sodelavec |
2020 - 2021 |
3 |
3. |
35382 |
dr. Matic Kisovec |
Biokemija in molekularna biologija |
Raziskovalec |
2020 - 2023 |
87 |
4. |
13627 |
dr. Franci Merzel |
Računalniško intenzivne metode in aplikacije |
Raziskovalec |
2020 - 2023 |
220 |
5. |
12048 |
dr. Marjetka Podobnik |
Biokemija in molekularna biologija |
Raziskovalec |
2020 - 2023 |
333 |
6. |
53732 |
Marija Srnko |
Biokemija in molekularna biologija |
Raziskovalec |
2020 - 2023 |
23 |
7. |
38479 |
dr. Aleksandra Šakanović |
Nevrobiologija |
Raziskovalec |
2021 - 2022 |
28 |
8. |
50369 |
Gašper Šolinc |
Tehnični sodelavec |
2020 - 2023 |
23 |
Organizacije (1)
št. |
Evidenčna št. |
Razisk. organizacija |
Kraj |
Matična številka |
Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij |
1. |
0104 |
Kemijski inštitut |
Ljubljana |
5051592000 |
21.423 |
Biological nanopores are increasingly popular in molecular biotechnology, synthetic biology and medical applications, due to their usefulness in sensing. Nanopores are extremely stable structures and are formed by pore-forming proteins in lipid membranes. The final pore has defined molecular properties, such as the diameter of the pore, which is in range of several nanometers. Due to their high stability they can be further manipulated and used for sensing applications, where ionic currents that pass through the single pore can be measured. The method can detect interaction of various analytes with the pore lumen. The binding event or occlusion of the pore by the analyte change ionic currents and these blockades are characteristic for a particular analyte. The method is extremely sensitive and the use of nanopores in detection of various analytes, such as small molecules, peptides, proteins, RNA and DNA, has gained a momentum in recent years, with the nicest example of DNA sequencing. So far only a handful of pores exist and novel pores with changed properties are crucially needed for sensing. In this project we will focus on development of sensing approaches of novel nanopore based on the pore forming protein from a coral. The following research objectives will lead to a new engineered nanopore and sensing application for medically important proteins: i) we plan to develop nanopore for stable incorporation into artificial membrane system that will allow high-throughput sensing; ii) we plan to develop nanopore for sensing of medical relevant proteins and iii) we will develop sensing applications which will be able to resolve highly similar peptides and proteins that are post-translationally modified. The development of nanopores will significantly advance the field of macromolecular sensing. We will provide novel pore that will be available for sensing of various other analytes in a high-throughput manner, which is currently lacking and needed for efficient identification of medically important proteins in a fast and facile manner.