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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Adequacy of old-age income maintenance in the EU

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0502  Inštitut za ekonomska raziskovanja  Ljubljana  5051690000  2.506 
This proposal is presented by a group of institutes, most of which are members of the European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes (ENEPRI) which groups leading economic and social research institutes,with wide-ranging experience in conducting policy-oriented research to high academic standards. The project proposal has two main scientific objectives:First, the work programme includes an important research component addressing the methodology of analysis of pension schemes and pension reforms. This objective is pursued in two ways: (i) by undertaking model simulations and other kinds of analysis in common and in a coordinated framework within a single workpackage and (ii) by undertaking a systematic examination of the simulation properties of simulation models including also models in application outside the Consortium.Second, the project will apply these analytical tools to examine the concept of 'adequacy' and undertake research on the impact on the adequacy of pensions of parametric reforms proposed in certain general plans toensure sustainability of pension systems. In general the research on adequacy assumes sustainability and analyses the consequences for the adequacy objectives.The project will shed new light on the classification of welfare state arrangements and public perceptions of pension issues. In will push outward the frontier of research on micro-simulation and semi-aggregate simulation of pension reforms and on the macroeconomic consistency of the scenarios. It will undertake systematic research on the translation parametric changes of welfare systems into incentives for early retirement and examine the effects on labour markets and actuarial fairness. Finally, but most importantly, it will provide more operational definition of adequacy of pension systems and study the effects of parametric changes on the key adequacy objectives: income inequality and social inclusion, maintenance...
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