Projects / Programmes
Development of the model of the national mental health services for children and adolecents
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Science |
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5.01.00 |
Social sciences |
Educational studies |
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Science |
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S000 |
Social sciences |
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Science |
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5.03 |
Social Sciences |
Educational sciences |
health care, mental disorders, services, children, adolescents, treatment, promotion, prevention, rehabilitation
Researchers (3)
Organisations (2)
Clinical practice in the developed world and in Slovenia shows that more and more children and adolescents demonstrate severe mental disorders. The age limit of certain mental disorders decreases and moves into the adolescence. Mental health of children and adolescents depends both on environmental as well as the genetic, the constituent and health factors. Therefore conducting prevention and early intervention at all levels and across all sectors (not just health sector) is highly significant.
In Slovenia a major problem is scarcity and uneven distribution of child and adolescent psychiatrists and clinical psychologists and therefore an appropriate and timely identification of children and adolescents with mental disorder represents big problem. Furthermore, we don’t have arranged emergency psychiatric services for children and young people that would offer immediate assistance. Due to the lack of adequate human resources children and youth are referred to hospital care by pediatricians and this is connected with increasing number of unnecessary hospitalizations. Counseling centers teams are available only in some Slovenian regions. Services that provide mental health care don’t have set of standards and norms and relevant indicators of quality.
The objectives of the project are: to prepare the scientifically and professionally justified, accessible, efficient and high-quality network services of mental health care for children and adolescents; to prepare a proposal for modernization, development and upgrade of existing network services; to prepare a proposal for standards and norms for the services and performance indicators; to develop a proposal for a cross-sectorial network of services for the comprehensive treatment in the field of the mental health of children and adolescents.
The project consists of four phases, which follow specific objective of the project and will last 12 months. In the project researchers of the project team will participate and also members of the Working Group for drafting a proposal for a network of programs and mental health services for children and young people, set up by the Ministry of Health. Methods of work include a review of practice, professional and scientific literature for accessible public sources and databases of published works in Slovenia and abroad. That will be the basis for a systematic review of the contents, which are crucial in identifying affordable, high-quality and effective network of mental health services for children and adolescents and in defining norms, standards and performance indicators and also in the preparation of proposals for modernization, development and upgrading network services and suggestions for inter-sectorial collaboration services for mental health care of children and adolescents. The final results will be presented in a final report that will be presented at a press conference and published on the website of the Ministry of Health. The data collected in the project will be an integral part of the proposition to the Health Council of the Ministry of Health and will be used as a legal definition of network services for the protection of children's and adolescent’s mental health and its most cost-effective organization. Results of the project will support two already submitted applications to the Health Council (expansion of Developmental clinics; the establishment of the crisis stabilization unit for children and adolescents). Also, the results will be useful in the Law on Mental Health. They will support the implementation of performance indicators in mental health services for children and adolescents as well as the implementation of recommendations on cross-sectorial cooperation between different departments to comprehensively address the mental health issues of children and adolescents. The results of the proposed project will have a major impact on the understanding of the importance of harmonious development and operation of services in the
Significance for science
Rezultati predlaganega projekta bodo imeli velik vpliv na razumevanje pomena usklajenega razvoja in delovanja služb na področju varovanja duševnega zdravja otrok in mladostnikov. Začrtali bodo strokovno in na znanstvenih dognanjih utemeljeno paradigmo koncepta posodobitve, razvoja in nadgradnje mreže služb vseh sektorjev za področje duševnega zdravja otrok in mladostnikov.
Pri tem bo v znanstvenem smislu uporabljena metodologija sistematičnega pregleda virov, ki bo tudi objavljen. Predlagani standardi in normativi ter kazalci učinkovitosti mreže bodo med prvimi v zdravstvenem varstvu, socialnem varstvu in vzgoji in izobraževanju usklajeni med seboj, kar je velik premik v strokovnem smislu. V kolikor bodo takšni standardi, normativi in kazalci učinkovitosti dejansko implementirani, bodo pomenili izjemen napredek v strokovnem smislu, in bodo hkrati omogočali tudi pregledne raziskave stanja in stroškovne učinkovitosti.
V strokovnem smislu je pomemben napredek tudi oblikovanje predlogov medsektorskega sodelovanja med posameznimi službami v korist posameznika.
Za razvoj stroke je pomemben del projekta tudi utemeljitev pomembnosti določenih služb, ki jih je potrebno dopolniti oziroma razviti:
- Prepoznavanje pomena medicinsko pedagoškega modela obravnave otrok in mladostnikov z izrazitimi motnjami na področju duševnega zdravja, ki ga inovativno razvija Vzgojni zavod Planina.
- Nujna zdravstvena služba za otroke in mladostnike, ki imajo duševne težave.
- Prepoznavanje pomena Razvojnih ambulant, ki za področje duševnega zdravja izvajajo izjemno pomembno primarno incizivno in selektivno preventivo.
- Dopolnitev kadrov v Centrih za duševno zdravje na primarni ravni, kjer bi bil del tima specialist otroške in mladostniške psihiatrije.
- Mrežo Svetovalnih centrov za otroke, mladostnike in starše z razširjenimi timi strokovnjakov s področja varovanja duševnega zdravja otrok in mladostnikov.
- Varovani oddelek za otroke in mladostnike z resnimi duševnimi težavami.
Vse našteto bo temeljilo na znanstvenih izsledkih in bo hkrati bogatilo razvoj zgoraj opredeljenih znanstvenih ved oziroma strok.
Significance for the country
Rezultati so pomembni za gospodarstvo preko zmanjševanja bremena duševnih motenj na posameznika in njegove najbližje. Otroci in mladostniki imajo zaradi duševnih težav težave pri šolanju in vključevanju v družbo ter na trg delovne sile. Ne izpolnijo svojih potencialov. Družinski člani, ki prevzamejo skrb za osebe z duševno motnjo so dodatno obremenjeni in je njihov zaslužek manjši v primerjavi z zaposlenimi, ki nimajo teh obremenitev. Zastavijo si tudi nižje karierne cilje. V večji meri so izpostavljeni sindromu izgorevanja in zbolevanju za boleznimi, ki so povezane s kroničnim stresom, s tem pa so povezani bolniški staleži.
Promocija duševnega zdravja in preventiva duševnih motenj ter zgodnje učinkovito zdravljenje z rehabilitacijo, kar naj bi nudile učinkovite službe, povezane v mrežo, so zato ključnega pomena za zmanjševanje bremena duševnih motenj za vse – tako delovno aktivne kot tudi vzdrževane člane družbe.
Most important scientific results
Annual report
final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results
Annual report
final report