International projects source: SICRIS

Forest LAnd Ownership Changes in Europe: Significance for Management And Policy (FACESMAP)

Researchers (2)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  12796  PhD Janez Krč  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2012 - 2016  318 
2.  25668  PhD Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh  Biotechnical sciences  Researcher  2012 - 2016  326 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0481  University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty  Ljubljana  1626914  67,299 
Forest ownership is changing across Europe. In some areas a growing number of so-called “new” forest owners hold only small parcels, have no agricultural or forestry knowledge and no capacities or interest to manage their forests, while in others new community and private owners are bringing fresh interest and new objectives to woodland management. This diversity and change creates implementation problems for forest-related policies including biodiversity conservation, timber and renewable energy supply, climate change mitigation, or recreation. The objectives of the proposed Action are: (1) To analyse attitudes and constraints of different forest owner types in Europe and the ongoing changes (outputs: literature survey, meta-analyses and maps). (2) To explore innovative management approaches for new forest owner types (outputs: case studies, critical assessment).(3) To study effective policy instruments with a comparative analysis approach (outputs: literature survey, case studies, policy analyses). (4) To draw conclusions and recommendations for forest-related policies, forest management practice, further education and future research. The interdisciplinary work will be done in close cooperation with relevant public and private stakeholders. A COST Action is suited for the strongly needed but still lacking comprehensive European overview and analyses.
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