International projects source: SICRIS

EdUmatics: European Development for the use of Mathematics Technology in Classroom

Researchers (2)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  19531  PhD Vlasta Kokol-Voljč  Educational studies  Researcher  2009 - 2012  234 
2.  05952  MSc Matija Lokar  Mathematics  Head  2009 - 2012  417 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0589  University of Maribor, Faculty of Education  Maribor  5089638013  15,160 
2.  1554  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics  Ljubljana  1627007  34,650 
The project addressed the wide concern that, although a range of technologies are available, the majority of teachers have not had any formal opportunities to learn about them and fewer teachers still have integrated the more complex technologies within their practices. Recent studies in mathematics education show that, despite many national and institutional actions within the EU aiming to integrate ICT into mathematics classrooms, such integration in secondary schools remains weak. The huge diversity of ICT resources leaves teachers often unsure of which to use, and when and how to use them. Studies also reveal that the reasons for the slow integration of ICT in mathematics into classroom practice are deeply linked to the training strategies used. Approaches to training are sometimes unrelated to teachers' current classroom practices, being essentially based on the transmission of technological rather than pedagogical skills. Thus, there has been little impact on supporting teachers to make best use of new opportunities created by digital educational content and services. The EdUmatics training modules exemplify the best use of ICT in mathematics education, underpinned by the current research in this area: dynamic experience of mathematics, working with different representations, seeing the relationship between algebra and geometry, etc.
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