International projects source: SICRIS

European Neighbourhood Policy Law and Good Governance

Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0592  University of Maribor, Faculty of Law  Maribor  5089638015  11,450 
2.  7430  ISCOMET Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies  Maribor  1122622 
Wider objective of Master program “European Neighbourhood Policy Law and Good Governance –EUNEG” is support of development of Partner Countries (PC), also through cooperation with EU, by High Education reforms, in convergence with Bologna process and with EU developments deriving from the Strategic Framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020) 2009/C 119/02 and EUROPE 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Project will impact the creation of the European Educational Area.Specific objectives: elaboration of joint curriculum and syllabuses of studies, which will be organized at 8 Universities in RU, UA, and MD. The University of Maribor (Slovenia), as Coordinator, and 3 Universities and 4 non-academic partners from PC and EU take part in the Project.Master program: 9 mandatory courses and 2 Modules with 3 optional courses each, as two specializations. 15 courses altogether cover legal aspects of: 1) EU integration, 2) EU political, economic, and security external relations, ENP and EP, 3) EU-PC cooperation, 4) good governance, 5) democracy, 6) elimination of discrimination and 7) human rights.Main Project’s outcomes: curricula and syllabuses; up-dated teaching material and modern methodology, based on research and active engagement of students; educated and trained academic and administrative staff; beginning of PCU-EUU institutional cooperation with mobility flows of teachers and students; equipment and developed knowledge on computer aided teaching methods; relevant literature and developed EUNEG libraries; realized internal and external quality control; disseminated Project's results; ensured sustainability and multiplication of the Project’s results; efficient management pattern of this regional programme, which will include corresponding capacities of 12 academic and 4 non-academic Partners.
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