International projects source: SICRIS

DEveloping Educational leadership of Primary Heads and Institutions

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1190  NATIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTE OF SLOVENIA  Ljubljana  5911338  2,523 
Primary heads are gradually required to become instructional and curriculum leaders,assessment experts, disciplinarians, community builders, special programsadministrators, as well as guardians of various legal, contractual, and policy mandatesand initiatives. Project DELPHI identifies twofold need amongst elementary schoolmanagers - in the first place, primary head teachers across Europe often do not havethe facilities, the resources and support that secondary heads have; and secondly, theyhave much less access to international contacts and the opportunities for developmentthis brings about. Thus we want to arm primary school leaders with competences togather internal and external support for developing their schools into learningcommunities, while at the same time enabling them to learn together with and from theirpeers across Europe. There will be emphasized development of leadershipcompetences among primary school heads: leading teams, managing change, settingup mentoring, coaching & peer learning schemes, developing a cooperative culture, andmost of all improving the quality of the primary process of learning & teaching.The envisaged outcomes are CPD modules on leadership issues, embedded in acommon transnational frame of reference and supported by appropriate materials –traditional and ICT based. As a consequence, there will be created a multilingualplatform in order to involve primary school heads in internationalization and mainstreamleadership competences and strategies. The envisaged outcomes will also be integratedinto existing national school leadership curricula and will result in international courses(Comenius), workshops and networks.From the very start professional facilitators such as external support organisations willbe involved in the project and contribute to content development. Primary heads will beinvited to pilot “try outs” of the draft version of CPD modules. In this way the consortiumwill also provide opportunities for primary schools to get involved in transnational schoolpartnerships and international courses. Consortium partners have close links to nationalnetworks of primary heads and will introduce outcomes to between 80 to 1400 primaryschools per country.
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