Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.07.00  Social sciences  Criminology and social work   

Code Science Field
S160  Social sciences  Criminology 

Code Science Field
5.04  Social Sciences  Sociology 
Police, policing, plural policing, municipality wardens, municipality, security, private security
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (7)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  38301  PhD Miha Dvojmoč  Law  Researcher  2018 - 2020  736 
2.  17048  PhD Branko Lobnikar  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2018 - 2020  1,246 
3.  14289  PhD Gorazd Meško  Criminology and social work  Head  2018 - 2020  1,867 
4.  33280  PhD Maja Modic  Criminology and social work  Researcher  2018 - 2020  271 
5.  38302  PhD Kaja Prislan Mihelič  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2018 - 2020  282 
6.  17049  PhD Andrej Sotlar  Political science  Researcher  2018 - 2020  611 
7.  26240  Bernardka Tominc  Political science  Technical associate  2018 - 2020  168 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  2131  University of Maribor Faculty of Criminal Justice  Ljubljana  5089638047  9,304 
Although still the most important institution, police in contemporary developed societies are no longer solely responsible for the provision of safety. Other public and private entities joined the police in this role and they have become important actors in the processes of crime prevention, crime control and strengthening the feelings of safety. This phenomenon is called the pluralization of policing, where specific state / public, local and private organizations, as well as individuals, perform tasks and duties related to police activity, ensuring security, and social control. These are organizations that were not established with the intention of performing policing, but by the adoption of new tasks, changes in the nature of their work and the acquisition of special powers, they are developing the character of "new police forces". These are, for example, the state prosecutor's office, customs services, inspection services, intelligence and security services, prison officers, municipal warden services, private security services and detectives. The distinctive feature of plural policing institutions is that they have special powers greater than those of ordinary citizens. Therefore, plural policing represents the transfer of typical police tasks from the state police to private security services and other state and local police / security / surveillance organizations. Transformation, which began in Western Europe, is gradually becoming a global trend, which has also become a reality in Slovenia.   In recent years, due to the general trend of de-etatisation and decentralization around the world, more and more security/policing/supervisory organizations have been established (or encouraged for establishment) by local authorities. However, classical institutions of the national security system remain largely responsible to provide security, order, protection and assistance to residents in the local community. Modern approaches to ensuring security at the local level are based on building the partnerships that can connect state government and local government, public sector and private sector, criminal justice and social policy. Within contemporary debates on security provision, the focus is gradually shifting from the analysis of the functioning of institutions to fulfilling the individual's security needs. This is a concept of human security derived from the United Nations Development Program from the beginning of the 1990s, where the question of how people define their own security and what matters to them is an important issue. Therefore, when developing security strategies and programs, we need to know what is threatening to local communities, what disturbs them and what hinders them from developing all their potentials? What is the role of local governments in this regard? We need a bottom-up view, from the residents of local communities - not so much in terms of strategies for the operation of security system, but in terms of defining local problems. According to the provisions of the Local Self-Government Act (Zakona o lokalni samoupravi, 2007), the municipality also performs tasks that have more or less direct impact on the safety and quality of residents’ lives. The range and the diversity of security tasks attributed to the municipality significantly exceeds the discussions that reduce the safety in municipality to the functioning of municipal warden service or discussions for and against the establishment of local police. Given the fragmentation and small size of some municipalities, the question arises as to how much of these tasks can really be effectively performed (in terms of professionalism and financial feasibility) by municipal services responsible for the provision of security, order, protection and rescue, assistance, etc., and when the institutions of the national security and private security system should come to the aid. It is also necessary to answer the question of what can be done in order to avoid du
Significance for science
Based on the analysis of various plural policing institutions’ activity in local environments, we will be able to propose more appropriate solutions to stakeholders (police, local government), including legal and organizational measures for the successful performance of these institutions, which provide citizens with security at the local level. We will also propose a model for strengthening the resilience of local communities to various forms of security threats, as defined by local communities themselves. Proposed research represents the first comprehensive approach to investigating the activity of plural policing institutions in the area of ??local safety provision. Prospective results represent an important starting point for changes and the expansion of the scope of security policies and procedures. With the proposed research we will explore the possibilities of a multi-institutional approach to addressing safety issues in local communities. The proposed research is aimed to redirect the attention from the field of theorizing to the application of scientific knowledge. In addition, the research will ensure the introduction of the necessary competences for such participation in the police educational and tranining program - police officers are and will remain key stakeholders in local safety provision. The results of the research will significantly contribute to the development of new approaches and methods in Slovenian criminological and criminal justice science. Exploring various modalities of local safety provision is an important step for Slovenia, as it can serve as a good example of a small country. Considering the originality of proposed topic, we are planning numerous publications in national and international scientific journals as well as the publication of a scientific monograph. The approach to research, the model and the results of the research will also be useful for the international environment, as we are approaching the problem other countries are facing as well. The research results will be publicly published and therefore available to other researchers for conducting comparative studies.
Significance for the country
Results of the proposed research represent a significant influence on the use and development of crime prevention methods. Based on conducted study, researchers will prepare a useful model for successful multi-institutional response and coping with crime, intended to preventing damage. Based on research results, we will identify the opportunities for successful cooperation between institutions on the local and the national level. Security risks and security-defined problems are a source of threats to the individual and to the communities, which increases the costs of formal social control institutions; therefore security risks and security-defined problems significantly influence the socio-economic development of Slovenia. The fact is that safe communities are also economically viable. With the proposed solutions and proper functioning, we expect significant socio-economic impacts on the performance of Slovenian organizations. This would also mean maintaining their position and consequently obtaining the necessary competitive advantage for successful and long-term operation in the global area.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2018, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2018, final report
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