International projects source: SICRIS

Capacity building of the Faculty of Law, University of Montenegro - curricula refreshment, boosting of international cooperation and improving human, technical and library resources

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  24286  PhD Vasilka Sancin  Social sciences  Head  2016 - 2019  1,074 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0583  University of Ljubljana - Faculty of law  Ljubljana  1627104  15,227 
Since the accession negotiations between Montenegro and EU started in 2012, the harmonization of Montenegrin legal and institutional system with the European standards has been a very dynamic process. Today, Montenegro is almost certainly the next EU Member State. The dynamics of accession processes requires active and responsible approach of all public institutions and other stakeholders, especially of the sole public Faculty of Law, which is also one of the oldest academic units of University of Montenegro. Given that the harmonization with Acquis Communautaire is par excellence legal issue, and taking into account that the most important chapters in the accession negotiation process are related to legal aspects, the role of UoM Faculty of Law at this moment is of crucial importance.Key objectives of the project are following:- Through facilitating various study visits between partner institutions from various Member States, securing the proper training for UoM Faculty of Law academic staff, so as to improve their general teaching skills and their level of comprehension and understanding of various aspects of EU law;- Assessment and potential refreshment of the newly accredited general curriculum;- Confirming that curricula of the various courses dominantly or partially linked to various aspects of EU law are framed in a manner that equals that of such courses in EU Member States;- Producing a guidebook/reference manual on teaching and researching various aspects of EU law in Montenegro;- Contributing to overall endeavors of Montenegro in successful closing of accession negotiations with EU. Impacts:The project will allow academic staff to acquire new competences which they will systematically transfer not only to students but to Montenegrin judges as well, since they will be involved via project partners, such as Judicial Council and Judicial Training Centre. Montenegro will be more prepared to efficiently apply EU law once it becomes a Member State. Results
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