Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Multiphysics and multiscale numerical modelling for competitive continuous casting

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.13.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Process engineering   

Code Science Field
T450  Technological sciences  Metal technology, metallurgy, metal products 

Code Science Field
2.03  Engineering and Technology  Mechanical engineering 
steel, continuous casting, intelligent production, multiphysics and multiscale modelling, topmost products, ecological design of production
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (18)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  38862  Grega Belšak  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2019 - 2020  23 
2.  05912  PhD Andrej Bombač  Process engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2020  223 
3.  36852  Matic Cotič    Technical associate  2018 - 2020  24 
4.  38848  PhD Tadej Dobravec  Process engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2020  62 
5.  32071  PhD Jurij Gregorc  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2018  89 
6.  30833  PhD Umut Hanoglu  Process engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  53 
7.  37412  PhD Vanja Hatić  Process engineering  Researcher  2021 - 2022  43 
8.  21381  PhD Miha Kovačič  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2018 - 2019  248 
9.  33584  PhD Qingguo Liu  Process engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  35 
10.  36364  PhD Boštjan Mavrič  Process engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2020  112 
11.  35031  PhD Katarina Mramor  Process engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2020  62 
12.  04471  PhD Matjaž Perpar  Process engineering  Researcher  2018  129 
13.  36399  PhD Jernej Pirnar  Engineering sciences and technologies  Researcher  2018  19 
14.  15269  PhD Bojan Podgornik  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2018 - 2022  1,145 
15.  01371  PhD Zlatko Rek  Process engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2019  221 
16.  52366  Zdenka Rupič    Technical associate  2019 
17.  04101  PhD Božidar Šarler  Process engineering  Researcher  2018 - 2022  1,133 
18.  23018  PhD Robert Vertnik  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2018 - 2019  225 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0782  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  Ljubljana  1627031  29,800 
2.  0206  Institute of Metals and Technology  Ljubljana  5051622000  6,152 
The project contents are tied to a sequence of our previous, successfully completed applied research projects: L2-5387 (2002-2005) Modelling and optimisation for competitive continuous casting, L2-9508 (2006-2009) Modelling of microstructure for continuous casting of steel with topmost quality, L2-3651 (2010-2014) Simulation and optimisation of casting, rolling and heat treatment processes for competitive production of topmost steels, L2-6775 (2014-2017) Simulation of industrial solidification processes under the influence of electromagnetic fields, the connected projects of the EU Framework Programmes, projects with USA and China. Based on the gained knowledge, we have equipped and automated the new, in 2016 installed, continuous casting of steel machine with advanced computational models. The company is systematically investing research efforts towards defect-free continuous casting with the goal of topmost product quality. These efforts strongly depend on advanced numerical simulation of the process. The main aim of this precompetitive project is to further develop and refine the existing continuous casting on-line and off-line models for prediction and mitigation of casting defects such as: macrosegregation, inclusions, shape distortion, porosity, hot tearing, decreased surface quality and both internal and surface cracks. In the project, an integrated multiscale, multiphysics, and multiobjective model of the mentioned continuous casting processes, will be further established and will describe the phenomena from the top of the mould up to the cooling of the billets. A model of such complexity has never been developed before and will be world leading. It will integrate thermomechanics, thermofluids, thermodynamics, transport phenomena, electromagnetic science and technology, and magnetohydrodynamics. The multiscale coupling will include relations between the process parameters, product macrostructure, microstructure and properties. The multiphysics coupling will include relations between the solution of electromagnetic field and temperature, velocity, concentration, deformation and stress fields. The multi-objective features will enable proper setting and optimisation of process parameters as a function of casting productivity, product quality and/or environmental impact. The macrostructure models will rely on continuum mechanics and coupled equations of mass, energy, momentum, turbulent energy and dissipation rate, and species transfer in the Eulerian system. The microscopic models will be based on the Lagrangian movement of the representative part of the microstructure. The microstructure models will be based on our original point automata and phase-field methods. The electromagnetic field is solved through Maxwell equations. The models will be evaluated in realistic three dimensional settings by using our original meshless methods for which we received numerous awards. The numerical implementation will be established on common computational platform that will be developed for the needs of this project. The platform will utilize domain-decomposition approach. This will exploit the parallel computing capabilities of modern supercomputers on which it will be installed. The models will be validated based on in-plant measurements, laboratory materials characterisation and water similarity models. The final goal of this modelling is the prediction of the product properties as a function of complex process parameters as well as estimation of the possible design changes of the casting devices. The expected effects of the new knowledge are: improved quality, enhanced process capabilities and productivity in production of a broad spectrum of products. Like in the previous projects, the results will be implemented in production, published in top impact factor journals and presented as keynotes on large international meetings.
Significance for science
Research project belongs to the modern research area of modelling, simulation and optimisation of processes, materials and products, which plays an ever increasing role in international research - because of the impulses for inexpensive products with a large know-how input, for new materials, products and environmentally friendly technologies. The scientific topics of the project coincide with the EU 2020 research priorities: Nanotechnologies, Advanced materials, Advanced manufacturing systems and are extremely important for the Slovenian metal processing industry. The results of the project, which will not interfere with the achieved competitive advantages of the co-funders, will be published in the top-ranking scientific literature. The extent of the published results is expected to be even higher as in the preceding applied projects, for which the reviewers evaluated their scientific output as exceptional for such type of projects. We see the scientific result of the proposed project particularly in the innovative multiphysics and multiscale simulation bundle for prediction of solidification in the presence of electromagnetic fields, which will enable the prediction of microstructure and casting errors such as segregation, various crack types, surface defects and porosity. The mathematical concept of phase field, point automata, and a new generation of adaptive meshless numerical methods will be for the first time joined for modelling the thermo-mechanics of casting under the influence of electromagnetic fields. For the first time these effects will be simulated for the several tens of meters long strand in its entirety. The concept of models of different complexity and their connection with artificial intelligence and automation is entirely new as well. The developed meshless method, capable of running on distributed memory computers, will open new possibilities for the growth and development of the associated laboratories and position them among world-leaders on the subject of use of meshless methods on supercomputers. The project leader has in the previous period, in connection with the contents of the proposed research, edited a special number of the EABE journal on the topics of using meshless methods in industry, a special issue of the Advances in Materials Science and Engineering journal on simulation and optimisation in materials technology as well as two special issues of the journal International Journal of Numerical Methods in Heat & Fluid Flow on application of modern numerical methods in engineering. From the previous research, which gave guidance to the present proposal, an international education was set in motion, carried out in the elite international summer school for mechanics CISM in Udine, Italy, and in several other international summer schools. This kind of education is foreseen to be continued within this project. A new young researcher, approved in 2018, will be educated within the project.
Significance for the country
The co-founder of this project systematically invests in the development of domestic knowledge in the field of modelling and simulation of production processes since the beginning of the Nineties. The development of related knowledge is directly linked to the investments in new production devices. The reasons for these investments are relatively small (boutique) production capabilities and the production of a wide spectrum of high-quality steels, which find application in thousands of different products of the highest rank (from the winning truck MAN on the prestigious Paris - Dakar rally to luxurious Ferrari, Bentley and Mercedes cars, to name a few). The manufacturing and materials processing of the mentioned products requires substantial in-house expertise. The co-founder of this project directly exports the majority of their products connected with continuous casting process to developed markets. Several thousand working places at Štore Steel and at their clients in Slovenia depend on the competitiveness of this process. The development of simulation systems, related quality and efficiency optimisation, and automation of production have especially important role in the company. The goal of these efforts is better understanding and insight into the processes, better influence on the processes (including own modifications of the production devices) and better organisation of production. The described research will contribute to even better economy and safety of the production chain, better quality of products, and faster and cheaper development of new materials and formats. In addition, the company will faster reach the planned research activities; there will be more researchers from the industrial research groups collaborating in the project, the results will be published in top journals and the chances for collaboration in H2020 and beyond, for which the company is preparing, will be enhanced. The company and collaborating research institutions are on board of large Eureka integrated action Metallurgy Europe that is in preparation to be signed by Slovenia. The described research and development help to transform the company from energy and environmentally extensive industry into knowledge based manufacturing. The described research and development will thus additionally equip the company with new knowledge and skills needed in search for new, even more demanding markets, in the boom after the economic crisis.
Most important scientific results Interim report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Interim report
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