Projects / Programmes
January 1, 2019
- December 31, 2027
Code |
Science |
Field |
Subfield |
2.03.02 |
Engineering sciences and technologies |
Energy engineering |
Fuels and energy conversion technology |
2.04.00 |
Engineering sciences and technologies |
Materials science and technology |
Code |
Science |
Field |
T140 |
Technological sciences |
Energy research |
Code |
Science |
Field |
2.03 |
Engineering and Technology |
Mechanical engineering |
2.05 |
Engineering and Technology |
Materials engineering |
fusion reactor components and systems, structural materials for fusion applications, plasma-wall interaction, neutron transport, diagnostics and modelling of fusion relevant plasma
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on
September 11, 2024;
A3 for period
Database |
Linked records |
Citations |
Pure citations |
Average pure citations |
WoS |
1,458 |
23,970 |
19,282 |
13.22 |
Scopus |
1,486 |
26,434 |
21,635 |
14.56 |
Researchers (18)
no. |
Code |
Name and surname |
Research area |
Role |
Period |
No. of publicationsNo. of publications |
1. |
57495 |
Leon Bogdanović |
Technical associate |
2023 - 2024 |
0 |
2. |
33540 |
PhD Martin Draksler |
Energy engineering |
Researcher |
2019 - 2024 |
109 |
3. |
24802 |
PhD Tomaž Finkšt |
Mechanical design |
Researcher |
2019 - 2020 |
30 |
4. |
10401 |
PhD Tomaž Gyergyek |
Physics |
Researcher |
2019 - 2024 |
426 |
5. |
55784 |
Diana Knyzhnykova |
Materials science and technology |
Junior researcher |
2021 - 2024 |
7 |
6. |
39530 |
Matej Kocen |
Materials science and technology |
Technical associate |
2021 |
58 |
7. |
58455 |
Ylenia Kogovšek Žiber |
Energy engineering |
Junior researcher |
2023 - 2024 |
7 |
8. |
16435 |
PhD Boštjan Končar |
Energy engineering |
Head |
2019 - 2024 |
373 |
9. |
12725 |
PhD Leon Kos |
Mechanical design |
Researcher |
2020 - 2024 |
253 |
10. |
53531 |
Domen Kotnik |
Materials science and technology |
Junior researcher |
2019 - 2024 |
48 |
11. |
19167 |
PhD Igor Lengar |
Materials science and technology |
Researcher |
2019 - 2024 |
1,216 |
12. |
25624 |
PhD Sabina Markelj |
Physics |
Researcher |
2019 - 2024 |
235 |
13. |
04292 |
PhD Saša Novak Krmpotič |
Materials science and technology |
Researcher |
2019 - 2024 |
670 |
14. |
50505 |
PhD Matic Pečovnik |
Mathematics |
Junior researcher |
2019 - 2021 |
42 |
15. |
33069 |
PhD Pavel Tomšič |
Mechanical design |
Researcher |
2020 - 2023 |
65 |
16. |
56157 |
Aleksander Učakar |
Materials science and technology |
Researcher |
2021 - 2024 |
59 |
17. |
31618 |
PhD Rok Zaplotnik |
Electronic components and technologies |
Researcher |
2019 - 2024 |
320 |
18. |
50516 |
PhD Andrej Žohar |
Materials science and technology |
Junior researcher |
2019 - 2022 |
108 |
Organisations (3)
The results of the research program “Fusion Technologies” will contribute to the development of fusion energy for electricity production, which may represent a major source of clean and safe energy supply for future generations. The research will be carried out in close cooperation and under the coordination of the joint European fusion program EUROfusion, which by providing co-financing of research work, access to the international infrastructure and mobility of researchers, provides a solid basis and guidelines for the scientific research work. The proposed program aims to develop and integrate the existing fusion research from several laboratories at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) and at the Faculties of Mechanical (FME) and Electrical Engineering (FEE), University of Ljubljana. Scientific contributions to the following fields of fusion technology are expected:
Development of fusion reactor components and systems
Advanced numerical models in the fields of heat transfer, fluid dynamics and structural mechanics will be developed. This progress is needed for the design and development of complex components and systems of DEMO demonstration fusion power plant. Development of cooling concepts for the divertor target plate, reactor vessel port duct bellows and the thermal shields for superconducting magnets are planned.
Structural materials for structural parts of the reactor
Development of advanced high-heat flux structural materials and the material processing technologies is foreseen. The development of suitable materials is one of the critical challenges for realising a commercially viable fusion power.
Plasma-walll interaction in fusion devices
Plasma-wall interaction processes and hydrogen isotope transport and retention in the plasma facing materials will be studied. For this purpose, development and implementation of unique experimental methods and theory models is planned. These include also the introduction of new techniques for plasma cooling in the divertor region.
Neutron transport in fusion devices
The methods for neutron transport studies will enable in-depth understanding of the activation and damage in materials due to neutron irradiation. The methods will be in the first stage used as a support for diagnostics in the JET fusion reactor, UK. In addition, a special irradiation device – a deuterium-tritium convertor for neutrons, will be developed at the fission research reactor TRIGA at the JSI, which will allow studies in a neutron spectrum, partly similar to the one at JET.
Research and modelling of fusion-relevant plasmas
The main goal is to improve modelling, numerical simulations and diagnostics of the edge plasma behaviour relevant to fusion reactors. The research is expected to provide the new basic knowledge on the plasma wall transition in the presence of hot charged particles.
Significance for science
The planned research will be conducted in close collaboration and under the coordination of the EUROfusion program, which co-finances part of the research and provides strong scientific background and guidelines for the research work. This confirms the general importance of the proposed program for the development of science on the field of fusion technologies. The scientific contributions to the specific fields of the research program are the following:
Within the plasma-material interaction (PWI) research unique experimental methods and theory models will be introduced providing in-depth understanding of plasma-wall interaction processes and hydrogen isotope transport and retention in plasma-facing materials. The proposed techniques for plasma cooling in divertors of fusion devices will contribute to the broader field of plasma science and technology.
The methods developed in neutron transport studies will enable in-depth understanding of the activation of materials and material damage due to neutron irradiation.
The development of advanced structural materials is one of the critical challenges for realising a commercially viable fusion power, and expected advances on materials processing and technologies will contribute to a wide field of materials science.
Studies related to the development of reactor components and systems will directly contribute to the development of DEMO power plant design concepts. Advanced numerical models and integral analysis tools will impact the scientific fields of heat transfer, fluid dynamics and structural mechanics.
Research on fusion relevant plasma will provide new basic knowledge on plasma wall transition in the presence of warm ions, emitted electrons, energetic electrons and negative ions.
Significance for the country
The proposed program fits in the European fusion program as well as in the global international program aimed at development of new types of power plants to ensure sufficient amounts of clean, safe, and worldwide distributed energy for future generations. Development and construction of the fusion devices ITER and DEMO in Europe have direct benefits for the European economy via new employment, collaboration of companies in production of component parts, and in construction works.
The research program foresees enhancement of already well-positioned international collaborations, within which the Slovenian research community and industry will gain access to cutting-edge research infrastructure and to the latest knowledge in the field of fusion technology. Slovenian researchers will have the opportunity to work with some of the greatest experts in the field and will enrich their knowledge and the reputation of Slovenia within the international scientific community. The program specifically addresses the integration of research fields and collaboration between domestic laboratories, and encourages the mobility of young scientists on the international and domestic levels.
Several members of the research program are involved as professors and mentors in different higher education programs of the University of Ljubljana and the Jožef Stefan Postgraduate Schoolm, and acquired knowledge will be transferred to young researchers and students of technical and natural sciences, primarily on the level of MSc and PhD programs.
Most important scientific results
Interim report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results
Interim report