Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Laser micro and nano structuring for development of biomimetic metallic surfaces with unique properties (LaMiNaS)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.10.02  Engineering sciences and technologies  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Manufacturing technology 

Code Science Field
T165  Technological sciences  Laser technology 

Code Science Field
2.03  Engineering and Technology  Mechanical engineering 
surface engineering, laser-material processing, surface functionalization
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (19)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  11905  PhD Aleš Babnik  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2019 - 2022  103 
2.  56005  Tine Brežan  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2022 
3.  19165  PhD Marjetka Conradi  Physics  Researcher  2019 - 2022  165 
4.  25126  PhD Črtomir Donik  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2019 - 2022  324 
5.  05566  PhD Iztok Golobič  Process engineering  Researcher  2019 - 2022  794 
6.  29224  PhD Peter Gregorčič  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Head  2019 - 2022  267 
7.  32545  PhD Matej Hočevar  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2022  160 
8.  50212  PhD Luka Hribar  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2019 - 2022  23 
9.  21238  PhD Matija Jezeršek  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2019 - 2022  384 
10.  18475  PhD Aleksandra Kocijan  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2019 - 2022  256 
11.  26027  PhD Andraž Kocjan  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2021  76 
12.  38896  PhD Matjaž Kos  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2020 - 2022  27 
13.  37440  PhD Jernej Laloš  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2019  28 
14.  35069  PhD Martin Petkovšek  Process engineering  Researcher  2019 - 2022  143 
15.  15269  PhD Bojan Podgornik  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2019 - 2022  1,145 
16.  26237  PhD Marko Sedlaček  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2019 - 2022  296 
17.  27773  PhD Ivan Sedmak  Process engineering  Researcher  2022  111 
18.  52342  Matej Senegačnik  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Technical associate  2019 - 2022  36 
19.  36685  PhD Matevž Zupančič  Process engineering  Researcher  2019 - 2022  275 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0782  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  Ljubljana  1627031  30,045 
2.  0206  Institute of Metals and Technology  Ljubljana  5051622000  6,169 
Cutting-edge development of components in technological and biomedical applications requires surfaces that possess various unique properties. Diverse biological examples (e.g., lotus leaf and shark skin), developed by natural selection, often serve as inspiration for numerous surface functionalities. LaMiNaS uses laser surface engineering to fabricate bio-inspired metallic surfaces in a laboratory environment. It brings together experts from the fields of physics, analytical chemistry, mechanical engineering and photonics to develop new theoretical and experimental knowledge that will answer which surface properties should be modified and how, in order to improve materials used in: (i) erosion environments; (ii) tribological applications; (iii) cavitating fluid flows; and (iv) heat transfer applications. To provide these answers, LaMiNaS not only models and designs the functionalized surfaces by simulating natural systems, but also predicts further improvements and implements developed surfaces into engineering applications. It aims to develop theoretical knowledge explaining how laser and environmental parameters influence the unique surface properties, and clarifying the dependence of surface functionality, long-term behavior and durability on surface micro-/nanostructures and chemistry on molecular and atomic level. Experimentally, it combines advanced laser processing with different characterization techniques that can resolve topographical and chemical properties of thin and ultra-thin surface layers. To understand the influence of intrinsic properties of laser radiation and its interaction with the material on the topographical and chemical surface modifications on micro-/nanometer scales, theoretical and experimental examination of the laser-surface interaction will address all three main regimes of laser ablation. The regime of very low fluences, where the chemical alteration of the outermost surface layer represents the main surface modification, is used to develop new approaches for controlling corrosion behavior. This does not only lead to more corrosion-resistant materials, but also enables increased corrosion to aid the development of new biodegradable materials. The regime with fluences near the ablation threshold, where laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) appear, is used for tribological applications. The underlying physical mechanisms are investigated through the development and processing of metal alloys with different crystal lattice orientations. This explains material response due to different surface densities of atoms and their influence on the thresholds for LIPSS formation. The regime of high-fluence ablation leading to diffraction-limited microstructures with high depth-to-width ratios is examined in order to functionalize surfaces for enhanced heat transfer and controlled cavitation in fluid flows. For heat transfer applications, LaMiNaS contributes to the understanding of functionalized surface behavior and long-term durability under high-frequency temperature variations due to bubble nucleation and growth during boiling. Additionally, laser surface engineering is used to develop surfaces for controlling cavitation in fluid flow. Here, the pioneering activities lead to a powerful tool for modification of the surface functions to increase (e.g., for advanced oxidation processes) or decrease (e.g., for prevention of cavitation erosion) hydrodynamic cavitation and cavitation erosion by influencing the cavitation incipience. The LaMiNaS results facilitate more ecological technology since the developed surfaces both enhance the energy efficiency and decrease material wear. They also lead to new approaches for fabrication of smart surfaces, thus opening new possibilities to research the interactions between surfaces and light, other electromagnetic fields, molecules and atoms. In this way, LaMiNaS importantly improves the competitiveness of Slovenian and EU science and economy.
Significance for science
Significant relevance of the expected project results is proven by the Multiannual Strategic Roadmap 2014–2020 (EU Technology Platform Photonics21, Brussels, 2013) that recognizes laser treatment for surface functionalization as one of the major photonics research and innovation challenges. The achieved results will lead to technological and scientific breakthrough on the EU and global level, as they will enable broader use of smart surfaces, produced by flexible, scalable and chemical-free laser texturing methods, with diverse industrial, technological and biomedical applications. The project activities address several engineering challenges in corrosion, tribology, cavitation erosion and heat transfer, where functionalized smart surfaces have a significant impact on modern technology and innovation. The expected results will lead to more ecological technology since the laser-tailored surface topography and chemistry will enhance energy efficiency and decrease material wear. The developed theoretical models combining physics, photonics, material science and analytical chemistry will lead to new understanding of topographical and chemical modifications, induced by laser-light radiation. Moreover, the results will also lead towards better fundamental understanding of long-term behavior and durability of the functionalized surfaces. This is not only important for progress in laser surface engineering, but will also yield universal and general knowledge in the field of interaction between ultra-thin surface layers and the environment. Thus, the developed approaches for the fabrication of smart surfaces will open new possibilities for research of interactions between surfaces and light, other electromagnetic fields, molecules and atoms. The results will be systematically included into bachelor, master, and doctoral studies as well as into postdoctoral training at the University of Ljubljana. The project group already includes several young and enthusiastic postdoctoral researchers and PhD students. Their involvement into the proposed research will help them become the leading experts in their fields. The project results will be used in basic and applied international cooperation already run by the project group leader and its members; they will also be systematically presented to the technological companies. Thus, the achieved results will contribute to the inception of completely new research and development directions and will importantly improve the competitiveness of Slovenian and EU science and economy.
Significance for the country
Significant relevance of the expected project results is proven by the Multiannual Strategic Roadmap 2014–2020 (EU Technology Platform Photonics21, Brussels, 2013) that recognizes laser treatment for surface functionalization as one of the major photonics research and innovation challenges. The achieved results will lead to technological and scientific breakthrough on the EU and global level, as they will enable broader use of smart surfaces, produced by flexible, scalable and chemical-free laser texturing methods, with diverse industrial, technological and biomedical applications. The project activities address several engineering challenges in corrosion, tribology, cavitation erosion and heat transfer, where functionalized smart surfaces have a significant impact on modern technology and innovation. The expected results will lead to more ecological technology since the laser-tailored surface topography and chemistry will enhance energy efficiency and decrease material wear. The developed theoretical models combining physics, photonics, material science and analytical chemistry will lead to new understanding of topographical and chemical modifications, induced by laser-light radiation. Moreover, the results will also lead towards better fundamental understanding of long-term behavior and durability of the functionalized surfaces. This is not only important for progress in laser surface engineering, but will also yield universal and general knowledge in the field of interaction between ultra-thin surface layers and the environment. Thus, the developed approaches for the fabrication of smart surfaces will open new possibilities for research of interactions between surfaces and light, other electromagnetic fields, molecules and atoms. The results will be systematically included into bachelor, master, and doctoral studies as well as into postdoctoral training at the University of Ljubljana. The project group already includes several young and enthusiastic postdoctoral researchers and PhD students. Their involvement into the proposed research will help them become the leading experts in their fields. The project results will be used in basic and applied international cooperation already run by the project group leader and its members; they will also be systematically presented to the technological companies. Thus, the achieved results will contribute to the inception of completely new research and development directions and will importantly improve the competitiveness of Slovenian and EU science and economy.
Most important scientific results Interim report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results
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