Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Power systems

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.03.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Energy engineering   
2.12.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Electric devices   

Code Science Field
2.02  Engineering and Technology  Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering 
Electric power system (EPS) Power system stability Power system control Power system operation Power system development Renewable energy sources (RES) Distributed generation (DG) Smart grids EPS islanding FACTS Reliability Underfrequency unloading Machine learning Electric vehicles Electricity storag
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on July 26, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Data for ARIS tenders ( 04.04.2019 – Programme tender , archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS  286  4,246  3,811  13.33 
Scopus  492  6,728  5,934  12.06 
Researchers (17)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  21521  PhD Valentin Ažbe  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  182 
2.  11694  PhD Grega Bizjak  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  343 
3.  21354  PhD Boštjan Blažič  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  411 
4.  34531  PhD Jerneja Bogovič  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  41 
5.  12755  PhD Marko Tomaž Čepin  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  559 
6.  37514  PhD Sreten Davidov  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  39 
7.  53523  Jovancho Grozdanovski  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  14 
8.  14528  PhD Andrej Ferdo Gubina  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  374 
9.  30678  PhD Leopold Herman  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  84 
10.  58105  Klemen Knez  Energy engineering  Junior researcher  2023 - 2024  23 
11.  19813  PhD Matej Bernard Kobav  Electric devices  Researcher  2022 - 2024  183 
12.  37616  PhD Tomi Medved  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  87 
13.  06168  PhD Rafael Mihalič  Energy engineering  Head  2022 - 2024  849 
14.  22481  PhD Miloš Pantoš  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  358 
15.  14037  PhD Igor Papič  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  441 
16.  29557  PhD Urban Rudež  Energy engineering  Researcher  2022 - 2024  229 
17.  50657  PhD Tadej Škrjanc  Energy engineering  Researcher  2023 - 2024  31 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1538  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering  Ljubljana  1626965  28,027 
The basic goal of the program is aligned with EU strategy by supporting Slovenian EPS transition from a conventional, towards a carbon-free structural and operational concept. The new paradigm dictates a reduction in overall energy consumption, with electricity being an exception. Instead, a significant increase in electrical energy is expected. The transition process is already underway in the fields of heating (heat pumps) and transport (E-vehicles). In public, the transition process is often presented in a simplified manner. Besides replacing carbon resources with carbon-free ones, the entire EPS design, operation and maintenance concepts need to be modified. This is a long lasting and continuous process, wrong decisions might have a long-term and drastic consequences, since modern societies are simply much too dependent on reliable electricity supply. Therefore, the transition in question has to be implemented gradually and step wise, including new approaches and methods for EPS control, management, analysis and planning. This requires a wide range of engineering and scientific knowledge, which is something that our research group can offer. Research trends worldwide, results of our past research and the increasing need for new solutions in the industry, confirmed the adequacy of the basic concept of the research program. This is why it hasn't changed from the last application. The activities are divided into 3 main categories: Category 1: Systemic research in electrical power systems deals with systemic aspects of a EPS operation, i.e. how to ensure its stabile and reliable operation in volatile conditions for which it was not designed. The goal is to develop measures and modify operating methods that would keep EPS stability and reliability at a highest possible level despite changes EPS is facing in the last years due to transition towards a carbon-free concept. Category 2: Smart Grids Application of a smart grid concept is a prerequisite for facilitating the EPS transition from a centralized generation towards distributed and volatile generating alternative. Up until recently, smart grids were associated with distribution part of an EPS. Lately, changes in EPS operation begun to affect transmission network as well. This can be confirmed by several activities of Slovenian transmission system operator, including a phase-shifting transformer, STATCOM and SSSC device. Category 3: Rational use of energy and energy strategies Rational use of energy, electricity markets and system support for electricity producers and consumers are essential for safe and reliable EPS operation. This is why it is crucial for the system operator alongside the legislator to motivate stakeholders to take part in providing ancillary services that are beneficial for the EPS operation. This is a highly interdisciplinary topic, since apart from power engineering involves economical science and psychology as well.
Significance for science
A transition towards a different EPS operation is a continuous process which lasts for decades. The introduction of changes in a system of such importance for the society is always risky, because the transition must not affect the end users even though it is a subject to rapid changes imposed by the EU legislation related to a new operational and structural paradigm. Therefore, even the smallest improvements in the fields of EPS operation, planning, maintenance and protection have positive long-term consequences. Inadequate solutions on the other hand (usually due to insufficient analyses) can halt the development of appropriate ones due to the large financial and social consequences they have. Due to the high investment costs, the EPS analysis and planning is a very complex and interdisciplinary task, especially considering technical, social and ecological constraints. Considering the past work of the research group, its references and defined priorities, the research program will mainly address unresolved issues that are vital for the EPS development and operation. We expect most of the important scientific contributions will arise from the following few categories: Category 1: Systemic research in electrical power systems o New approaches to solving the EPS frequency instability issues in the presence of a high amount of converted interfaced generating units. This is a step towards smart grids at the EPS transmission level, which opens up new opportunities for development and research. o Analysis of the electromechanical waves propagation in EPSs will represent the basis for research in the field of converter interfaced generation control with the aim of supporting EPS frequency. We plan to define the network areas with different inertia responses. Such solutions cannot be found in the existing literature yet. o The research of intentional controlled islanding concepts opens up new research areas, especially related to the coordination with the existing system integrity protection schemes. This will result in increased interdisciplinarity of research, as several different types of studies and either existing or new technologies will have to be included in the research. o Development of a comprehensive methodology for determining the harmonic distortion in power grids caused by modern devices connected to the grid via power converters. o Development of probabilistic methods for forecasting consumption and production. Due to the complexity of modern EPS and large amount of uncertain energy resources, deterministic methods in the analysis and design of power systems cannot meet all the requirements. Therefore, researchers make efford to develope probabilistic approaches that would reflect reality and be simple and useful enough at the same time. AREA 2: Smart grids o Development of reference models using machine learning methods that, based on the statistical properties of a network cluster, enables the generalization of results to the whole network. o Development of BESS control for improved EPS stability o Development of models for the use of electric vehicles as energy storage devices. AREA 3: Rational use of el. Energy and energy strategies o New approaches to road lighting design and control. o Development of method for charging stations placement optimization for electric vehicles. o A new option valuation method, based on dynamic volatility introduced by the increase in the share of RES production in the electricity market. o With the new flexibility framework, we are enabling development of new, more flexible type of ancillary services that offer a cost-effective alternative to conventional distribution network investments while at the same time ensure a secure electrical energy supply with highest quality standards.
Significance for the country
Reliable, safe and affordable electrical energy supply is something that has a decisive impact on the development and economic performance of modern society. It makes it possible to gain competiveness in the global market. Solutions that contribute or at least maintain the high level of reliability, security and competitiveness of the electrical energy supply with highest possible quality standards have a direct and important impact on society as a whole. Program groups members are extremely active in the dissemination of obtained research results and gained knowledge, either in the form of commercial projects for the industry or teaching activities and lectures. The group activities contribute to the education of new experts in the field of electrical power systems. New experts will be able either to establishing their own companies or be involved in knowledge transfer to the domestic industry. In the past, University's first spin off company emerged from our program group, which is successfully present on the market for several years. Research work will provide means for writing and submitting applications for domestic and international calls, which will help strengthen the national economy and create new employment opportunities. In the continuation, we list some of expected research results related to the programme. Category 1: Systemic research in electrical power systems o Reduction of costs to industry subjects due to the consequences of undelivered electricity. o Making the process of installing new power-system elements as a part of planning easier and faster. o Probabilistic methods that significantly reduce costs for balancing settlements. o More reliable EPS operation affects all electricity consumers although they are usually unaware of it. At the moment, power outages are rare and if they occur they are short in most cases. In addition to ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy, the level of security and social conditions are also maintained in this way. It has been showed several times that a long-lasting blackout has very similar impacts as a war. o Efficient network planning results in lower investments, which exhibits as lower electricity prices for consumers. o The implementation of probabilistic methods for forecasting electricity consumption and production on the system will also entail the new jobs in the electricery market Category 2: Smart Grids o The development of reference network models is of interest to electrical distribution companies because it enables easier and more efficient technical and economic comparisons. o Developed BESS controls enable the expansion of their functionality in the area of enhancing EPS stability. Also, they will make marketing of some ancillary services possible. o The possibility to using companies' fleet as electricity storage facilities affects the provision of higher security of electricity supply on the one hand, as well as the participation in ancillary services and consequently an additional source of financial resources. o Increasing the share of RES, heat pumps and electric vehicles will require large investments in the power system infrastructure. Simulation-based network planning will allow for optimal network planning and thus for lower investments. o With a proper control, BESS enable the inclusion of larger shares of renewable energy sources and consumers such as heat pumps or E-cars without any requirements for additional infrastructure. o A similar impact as with BESS can be achieved with electric vehicles. SKLOP 3: Racionalna raba energije in energetske strategije Category 3: Rational use of energy and energy strategies o Development of new design of luminaires with proper distribution of luminous intensity and ability to adapt output to different environmental conditions. o Rational use of investment funds for the construction of charging stations for electric vehicles. o The new valuation method for different options will enable energy companies to better manage the risks in the electricity market and thus lower prices for domestic customers. o Zmanjšanje porabe električne energije za cestno razsvetljavo ter za svetlobnega onesnaženja okolja. Reduction of consumption of electrical energy for road lighting and of light pollution. o Greater accessibility of charging stations to the owners of electric vehicles. Increased interest in use of electric vehicles. The group activities contribute to the education of new experts in the field of electrical power systems. New experts will be able either to establishing their own companies or be involved in knowledge transfer to the domestic industry. In the past, University's first spin off company emerged from our program group, which is successfully present on the market for several years.
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