International projects source: SICRIS

MIGRASCOPE – Extending the Scope of Labour Market Integration of Immigrants

Researchers (3)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  18631  MSc Franja Arlič  Economics  Technical associate  2017 - 2018 
2.  28195  PhD Veronika Bajt  Social sciences  Researcher  2017 - 2018  245 
3.  31548  PhD Lana Zdravković  Humanities  Head  2017 - 2018  259 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0366  Peace Institute  Ljubljana  5498295000  3,663 
"The overall objective of the project is to increase the access to work and foster integration at the workplace for migrants. Firstly, the project aims to build the capacity of migrants by developing skills for finding and keeping a job. Secondly, the project aims to build the capacity of employers and other stakeholders, by increasing their know-how for the better management of diversity, by challenging existing attitudes, and by creating incentives for introducing better integration practices through the exchange of experiences. The starting point and main focus of the project is engaging with employers. Evidence from many other research studies in Europe and elsewhere confirms that employer engagement is critical, since migrant participation and retention in employment cannot be increased without addressing barriers on the employer side. The attitudes and practices of employers play equally important role in shaping outcomes, as does the socio-demographic profile of the migrant. Employers in this project are private, public and/or non-governmental sector employers."
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