Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Raziskave tehnično pomembnih suspenzij in disperzij (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.04.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Materials science and technology   
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (21)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  11517  PhD Marjan Bele  Materials science and technology  Researcher  1996 - 1998  559 
2.  05214  Jena Cilenšek    Researcher  1996 - 1998  272 
3.  06896  Silvo Drnovšek    Researcher  1996 - 1998  309 
4.  17286  Darko Eterović    Researcher  1996 - 1998 
5.  06423  PhD Janez Holc  Materials science and technology  Researcher  1996 - 1998  862 
6.  05220  Kristina Kos    Researcher  1996 - 1998 
7.  02627  PhD Marija Kosec  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher  1996 - 1998  1,494 
8.  03477  PhD Tomaž Kosmač  Materials science and technology  Head  1996 - 1998  505 
9.  10808  PhD Uroš Kunaver  Chemistry  Researcher  1996 - 1998  49 
10.  17268  Miran Lavrič    Researcher  1996 - 1998 
11.  04587  PhD Barbara Malič  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher  1996 - 1998  1,490 
12.  04292  PhD Saša Novak Krmpotič  Materials science and technology  Researcher  1998  670 
13.  17418  Alojzija Prešeren    Researcher  1996 - 1998 
14.  18189  Darinka Radešček    Researcher  1996 - 1998 
15.  04545  MSc Dubravka Ročak  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher  1996 - 1998  122 
16.  17271  Helena Spreizer    Researcher  1996 - 1998  35 
17.  01855  PhD Dimitrij Sušnik  Materials science and technology  Researcher  1996 - 1998  99 
18.  18190  Miha Šmuc    Researcher  1996 - 1998 
19.  13685  PhD Manica Ulčnik Krump  Chemical engineering  Researcher  1996 - 1998  93 
20.  10185  PhD Andreja Zupančič-Valant  Chemical engineering  Researcher  1996 - 1998  180 
21.  00854  PhD Miha Žumer  Chemical engineering  Researcher  1996 - 1998  193 
Organisations (3)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0103  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology  Ljubljana  1626990  24,196 
2.  0104  National Institute of Chemistry  Ljubljana  5051592000  21,527 
3.  0106  Jožef Stefan Institute  Ljubljana  5051606000  91,767 
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