Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Slovene history

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.01.00  Humanities  Historiography   
6.02.00  Humanities  Archaeology   
6.09.00  Humanities  Art history   
5.06.00  Social sciences  Political science   

Code Science Field
H280  Humanities  Local and regional history, historical geography since the Middle Ages 
Slovene territory, Slovene ethnogenesis, Roman period, Great Migrations, Middle Ages, Turkish raids, Protestantism, Counter-Reformation, Enlightenment, Illiryan provinces, 19th century, the March Revolution, the era of parliamentarism, economic and social development in the 19th century, decline of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Slovenians during WW1, Slovenians in the old Yugoslavian state, Slovenians during WW2, Slovenians after WW2, crisis and disintegration of Yugoslavia, Slovenian independence and development up to 2000.
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (23)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  08682  PhD Bojan Balkovec  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008  724 
2.  07320  PhD Rajko Bratož  Historiography  Head  2004 - 2008  484 
3.  19135  PhD Alenka Cedilnik  Historiography  Researcher  2004  130 
4.  13227  PhD Janez Cvirn  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008  767 
5.  22285  PhD Mitja Ferenc  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008  548 
6.  19340  PhD Sašo Jerše  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008  146 
7.  21755  PhD Walter Lukan  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008  103 
8.  14304  PhD Dušan Mlacović  Historiography  Researcher  2007 - 2008  213 
9.  18850  PhD Janez Mlinar  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008  204 
10.  00862  PhD Dušan Nečak  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008  1,202 
11.  08315  PhD Janez Peršič  Humanities  Researcher  2004 - 2008  131 
12.  14966  Matjaž Rebolj  Historiography  Technical associate  2005 - 2006  65 
13.  11484  PhD Božo Repe  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008  2,541 
14.  06443  PhD Vasko Simoniti  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2005  338 
15.  02719  Nataša Stergar  Historiography  Technical associate  2005  167 
16.  21848  PhD Rok Stergar  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008  338 
17.  00592  PhD Miroslav Stiplovšek  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2005  457 
18.  18953  Barbara Šatej  Historiography  Technical associate  2005  36 
19.  06249  PhD Peter Štih  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008  791 
20.  06248  PhD Marko Štuhec  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008  283 
21.  23967  PhD Danijela Trškan  Educational studies  Researcher  2004 - 2008  678 
22.  13806  PhD Marta Verginella  Humanities  Researcher  2004 - 2008  933 
23.  12720  PhD Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec  Historiography  Researcher  2005 - 2008  247 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0581  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts  Ljubljana  1627058  99,620 
1. The Ancient period will cover a period of appr. 8 centuries (2nd century BC (Histrian wars and beginnings of Roman penetration into the northeastern hinterland of the Adriatic Sea) up to appr. 600 AD (decline of Antique structures). This will be the first time the period will be presented in a major scientific synthesis. The work will be based on the extensive historical outlines of two authors, Rajko Bratož and Marjeta Šašel Kos, and several shorter but indispensable contributions from experts in provincial archaeology and numismatics (Slavko Ciglenečki, Jana Horvat, Peter Kos). In addition to the best known aspects of the history of this period, political, administrative and military, there will be a considerable emphasis on settlement and cultural history. The presentation of Antique Ancient history necessarily involves not only the local history of a territory which was never joined under in one political and administrative whole but also on the processes and events in the broader regional and occasionally also pan-European history. 2. The Medieval Period, which is presented in older scientific syntheses as well (e. g. authors Milko Kos and Bogo Grafenauer), will cover 8 and a half centuries between 600 AD up until the first Turkish raids and general crisis in the second half of the 15th century. The entire volume will be written by one author (Peter Štih). His synthesis will feature new views of early medieval processes of ethnogenesis of different ethnic groups, government and social structures. As opposed to older works covering the period, this volume will pay equal attention to all social, ethnic and cultural stratums of society. 3. The history of Modern period will span over three centuries, beginning in the late Middle Ages, cca. 1460, and ending with the reign of Maria Theresa, i.e. cca. 1780). The synthesis will be written by Vasko Simoniti as the main author, with two selected chapters on special topics by Marko Štuhec in Sašo Jerše. The period of Modern history has so far been less present in literature than the Middle Ages (with the exception of Bogo Grafenauer). The many discoveries and establishment of new research topics urgently call for a synthesis of a Modern history. 4. Volume 4 will present around 140 years between the death of Maria Theresa (1780) and the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy after WW1 (1918). This volume will be written by several authors: Janez Cvirn as the main author, and longer integral presentations of the individual subperiods contributed by three other historians (Marta Verginella for the 1st half of the 19th century, Walter Lukan for WW1 and Rok Stergar for individual aspects of social and military history). The period covered in this volume has been the subject of older historical syntheses (Vasilij Melik, Ferdo Gestrin). Recent research in Slovenia and in the neighbouring regions, which will be considered by the authors, deals mainly with the area of cultural history, inter-ethnic disputes in the Habsburg Monarchy and the period of WW1. 5. Volume 5 of Slovenian History will cover the over 80 years since the end of WW1 up until 2000. The main authors will be Dušan Nećak and Božo Repe, and selected topics will be covered by Miroslav Stiplovšek, Mitja Ferenc, Bojan Balkovec, Danijela Trškan. Compared to extensive syntheses by the older generation historians, mainly Metod Mikuž and Tone Ferenc, which dealt mostly with the WW2 period, an important novelty will be a synthesis of the 2nd half of the 20th century, which will also cover the first decade of the independent Slovenian state. The aim of the project is a new, modern synthesis of a medium scope (cca. 2500 pages), which will be a reference work for researchers, study material for university students (primarily postgraduate) and a reliable source of information for researchers specialized in other fields and the interested public.
Significance for science
In Slovenia, historiography as a scientific discipline originated in the period of the Enlightenment; the work by the Slovene playwright Linhart, "Versuch einer Geschichte von Krain und den übrigen Ländern der südlichen Slaven Österreichs I-II” (1788/1791), is usually quoted as the fundamental work in this field. Since then, and in particular since the 1930s, there have been several attempts to write, following the example of other nations, a fundamental, multipartite history of the area where Slovenes live today, and a history of the Slovene nation. Although there have been many attempts in the past to create such a complex opus none of them was successfully concluded. There are several causes for this, the main being a relatively weak research potential (in comparison with other countries); another are nationalistic tendencies and a penchant for romanticism during the time when the Slovene nation was just beginning to constitute itself politically, and when a mythical approach combined with "looking backwards" – which was to provide the foundation for Slovenes as a nation or even Slovenia as a state – constituted the usual approach. Similar one-sidedness could be noted after WWII, this time of a class-ideological nature. For the first time now, thanks to the development and consolidation of historiography, the present generation of researchers has been offered a realistic possibility to make the dream of a comprehensive Slovene history come true. The research team of the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts, who launched this ambitious project, now have the means of realizing it. There are several reasons for this, the main being that since its establishment almost 90 years ago the Department has traditionally covered through research and pedagogic work all historical eras up to the new era; immediately after World War II it also started to systematically study and develop the post-war, contemporary history. An extensive manuscript of the part of “Slovene History” pertaining to antiquity is in preparation. When published, it will be the first synthesis of antique history. Although older syntheses on other periods of Slovene history already exist due to new research findings and different concepts they have become largely outmoded. Numerous subjects from the fields of Slovene medieval history, so far largely neglected, have been investigated. New and hitherto not yet examined topics pertaining to 19th century history have been studied. Likewise, the research of modern history, which due to the delicacy of its many issues is an extremely responsible task, has progressed so substantially that it is presently possible to frame a new synthesis. Among other things, it will encompass the period of independent Slovenia and analyze recent processes, including Slovenia’s integration into the European Union and other current integrative processes. A scientific synthesis of the complete history, which has not yet been written in Slovenia, will provide the basis for the most fundamental information on the complete history of the territory in question for historians all over the world; this is especially important due to the fact that in the extensive syntheses of great European historiographies this history has not been sufficiently presented, has been presented incorrectly, or has often even been left out. Certain periods of Slovene history (e.g., the period from the 4th to the beginning of the 7th century, a substantial part of the 16th century, and certain periods within the 19th and 20th centuries), are of great – in some cases even crucial – importance for European development. For various reasons, the world historiography takes too little consideration of the findings of Slovene historians.
Significance for the country
With Slovenia's membership in the EU, a historical synthesis has become of utmost importance. In this respect Slovenes are lagging behind their neighbors (for example Austrians, who have a new, modern synthesis of the Austrian history in 12 volumes), and also behind the related disciplines (for example literary history, where a number of histories of Slovene literature have already been written). The future historic synthesis will undoubtedly strengthen the national identity of Slovenes and help to preserve our cultural heritage. Furthermore, it can be realistically expected that the new synthesis will contribute to a more peaceful, sober, and deliberate assessment of individual periods and processes that have taken place in the Slovene territory as well as in the neighboring areas. The social and cultural significance of the historical research is certainly notable; given the nature of this research, it is not possible to derive any substantial economic effects from it. When the research will be finished, it will represent the fundamental work of Slovene history. It will also have indirect effects on the recognition of Slovene cultural heritage, and in particular on better recognition and promotion of Slovenia in the world. History remains one of the fundamental identities of the Slovene nation; besides, it is only through the research of historiography and through an impartial view of the past that a realistic assessment of the achievements can be made, and future planned accordingly. The research team have also set to themselves the task to present their findings, while the research is still in progress, to the international public (by publishing articles and syntheses in foreign languages, reading papers at international scientific conferences, holding lectures at foreign universities, working with foreign students who have decided to study in Slovenia for some time, hosting colleagues from all over the world, etc). One of their ultimate goals after the publication of this fundamental synthesis is to prepare and publish an abridged summary thereof that will be suitable for translation into foreign languages. In this manner, the project shall serve, both directly and indirectly, the promotion of the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovene nation.
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
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