Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.12.02  Humanities  Geography  Social geography 

Code Science Field
S230  Social sciences  Social geography 
economic migration, foreign workers, integration, transnationalism, prejudices and discrimination
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (6)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  08371  PhD Milan Bufon  Geography  Head  2008 - 2011  608 
2.  06391  PhD Anton Gosar  Geography  Researcher  2008 - 2011  629 
3.  25030  PhD Simon Kerma  Geography  Researcher  2009  226 
4.  25539  PhD Ana Kralj  Sociology  Researcher  2008 - 2011  121 
5.  07653  PhD Karmen Medica  Anthropology  Researcher  2008 - 2011  396 
6.  18581  PhD Mateja Sedmak  Sociology  Researcher  2008 - 2011  544 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1510  Science and Research Centre Koper  Koper  7187416000  14,189 
The research project aims at identifying the present population of foreign workers in Slovenia by distinguishing among ‘traditional immigrants’ (from the regions of the former Yugoslavia) and the ‘new immigrants’ (from other “third state” countries). Since the data concerning the social circumstances and the level on integration into Slovenian society is very scarce the study is intended to provide insights on the social structure of the population of foreign workers and further knowledge on values, expectations and needs that characterize this population. Moreover the study is intended to compare the two groups of immigrants and observe the differences existing among groups and individuals who arrived in Slovenia in different periods. Another aim of the research is to understand the migratory paths and plans of foreign workers (whether they intend to settle permanently in Slovenia (Slovenia as a target country), or they aim at reaching other European cuntries (Slovenia as a transit country). A special emphasis will be put on the topic of transnationalism, return migration and remittances. The study will deploy different methods and approaches. In particular, the team will focus on the existing databases and other relevant data sources. The results coming from this exploration will be employed for conducting an opinion survey concerning the employment of foreign work-force and integration policies on a representative sample of the population of Slovenia. Moreover, the team will adopt qualitative approaches (biographical method, in-depth interviews with foreign workers and interviews with different experts in the field of migration-representatives from government agencies i.e. Employment office of Slovenia-Sector for employment and work of foreigners, Ministry of the Interior and experts from NGOs working with immigrants), and it will experiment the ‘ethnosizing’, that is, a new method of evaluation of ethnical identity of immigrants (based on variables such language, gender, education, religious affiliation, social interactions, time of migration and ethnical self-identification). We expect that the results of the proposed research project could be incorporated into the strategy of the Slovenian (i)mmigration policies, thus assisting the development of an open, pluralistic society, the construction of social solidarity and social cohesion and the formation of a more democratic and above all reciprocal communication in the public sphere.
Significance for science
Although there are various sources of documentation on foreign workers (such as data of the Employment Service of Slovenia, which shows professional, educational and industrial structure of foreign workers employed) and a number of economic analysis of the employment of foreigners in Slovenia, a very little data on the social situation of employed foreign workers and on the degree of integration into Slovenian society is available. The research project brings a new set of corpus of knowledge about the social structure of the migrant workers, their living and working conditions, expectations, needs, integration plans and prospects for their implementation. On a theoretical level, the project analyses and critically evaluates some new terminology and concepts (for example the concept of "circular migrations"). The research team presented the results of the project at several international scientific conferences, scientific journals and in two scientific monographs, while the topic was also included in the study content of Faculty of Humanities Koper.
Significance for the country
Demographic trends in European Union member states, which are characterized by low birth rate, increasing life expectancy and the aging of population, have impact on changing the structure of the labor market, as the share of working and employable population is decreasing. Due to economic conditions, which require an increased need for (cheaper) labor force, the increased share of economic migrants will be one of the main mechanisms for filling deficit in the labor market. The study shows, that the common practice in EU countries and also in Slovenia indicates, that country promotes immigration, when it needs a new labor force, for the integration of immigrants or migrant workers (except in terms of a limited integration into the labor market) however normally does not care (providing a set of social and other rights, the effective control over the enforcement of rights). The research results offer a basis for recording deficits of Slovenian migration policy and integration practices and offer concrete possible solutions in the stated fields (in collaboration with ZSSS (The Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia) a draft of the rules establishing minimum standards for accommodation of foreigners who are employed or work in the Republic of Slovenia was designed and with a collaboration with The National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia a Guidelines for the education of children of foreigners in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, as well as proposal to establish a network of info points for immigrants, which would allow better informing and easier accessibility at regional and local level were made). At the same time the research results supplementary illuminate some key issues that were identified in the strategic document >The strategy of economic migration 2010-2020 (Strategija ekonomskih migracij 2010-2020)<, which Slovenia has adopted in late 2010. Consideration of this topic in the globalized society is ultimately important in terms of respect for human rights as key content in creating social cohesion and the achievement of social solidarity as well as ensuring the principles of equity and equality for all citizens.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2008, 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2008, 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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