Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Metallic Materials and Technologies

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.04.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Materials science and technology   
2.03.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Energy engineering   
1.08.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Control and care of the environment   

Code Science Field
T450  Technological sciences  Metal technology, metallurgy, metal products 

Code Science Field
2.05  Engineering and Technology  Materials engineering 
Thermodynamics and kinetics of processes in liquid and solid state, constitution of systems, melting, refining, casting, powder metallurgy, matallic composites, metallic glasses, intermetallic alloys, hot and cold workability, thermomechanical treatment, heat treatment, mechanical properties, remnant life time, heat engineering, modelling and processing, secodary raw materials and recycling, ecology, manufacture of software.
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (10)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  32178  PhD Predrag Borković  Materials science and technology  Junior researcher  2009 - 2010  13 
2.  09434  PhD Mirko Doberšek  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2009  162 
3.  25497  PhD Martin Lamut  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  51 
4.  21523  PhD Iztok Naglič  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2009 - 2010  179 
5.  15269  PhD Bojan Podgornik  Materials science and technology  Head  2011 - 2012  1,145 
6.  14647  PhD Darja Steiner Petrovič  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  239 
7.  08195  PhD Borivoj Šuštaršič  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  412 
8.  08001  PhD Franc Tehovnik  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  329 
9.  05438  PhD Matjaž Torkar  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  469 
10.  24284  PhD Franci Vode  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  164 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0206  Institute of Metals and Technology  Ljubljana  5051622000  6,152 
In the world, as well as in Slovenia, metallic materials remain among the most important materials for structures and other equipment that directly or indirectly represent an important share of total exports. Due to economic, energetic and ecological reasons, cheaper and better materials and technologies can only be developed by the application of new basic knowledge connected with the study of phyisical-chemical effects: chemical composition,melt, solidification, thermo-mechanical working, heat treatment, heat engineering, modelling and processing. In the past the program group was active in both basic and applied research on metallic materials and was a member of several international EU projects as well as international bilateral projects, where we played a key role and gained new knowledge. This is also the goal of our programme for the next programme period. -The study of stainless steel with an increased content of nitrogen based on the development of our own computer-assisted thermodynamic model GPRO,which is also applicable for the study of complex reactions in the gas state as well as for the study of multicomponent systems of slags,with the goal of technological and ecological optimisation of the processes. -The introduction of new approaches from the theory of systems for modelling and simulating heat processes. The development of algorithms based on the Monte Carlo method for the study of heat radiation in the system combustion gas - furnace wall - reheated material; development and implementation of models for the simulation of reheating processes, operating in real time, on real objects and their evaluation by measurements. The development of new burning processes with higher yields. The goal is better control and optimisation of the reheating process, the reduction of energy consumption, and the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases as well as the improved quality of the reheated material. -Complex nitrides of intermetallic alloys based on aluminium, nickel, titanium and iron are promising materials for the hardening of surfaces and for new applications in aggressive environments. -Research on the ternary system Cu-Pd-Zn will be expanded to the quaternary system Ag-Cu-Pd-Zn. Using thermodynamics and kinetics the isothermal sections at 700 degree C and 350 degree C will be checked for a constant concentration of zinc, and the influence of zinc on the stability and composition of the intermetallic phase CuPd above 600 degree C will be checked. Basic results will enable further applications. -The study of the influencing factors on cast irons with special properties will enable us to understand the influence of the elements C, Si, Mn, Cr, Ni, and W on the temperature of transitions in the solid state and the physical-chemical properties of new alloys. -The study of the thermodynamic and kinetic precipitation hardening and dispersion strengthening processes in alloys and composites will enable us to obtain new knowledge in these areas. - The study of processes during the vacuum sintering of composite tool steel, stainless steel and high-speed steels with the addition of hard and soft phases as well as the upgrade of a computer-assisted system for quasi-static and dynamic compacting of metallic powders, which will enable a new type of higher-quality atomised powders and more accurate understanding of the basic processes during the compacting of powders. -The study of the manufacture of massive metallic glasses of Fe-P-B-Si and Fe-(Al,Ga)-P-B-(C)-Si,with soft magnetic properties. -The study of the influence of the structure and secondary phases on the use of standard procedures for the evaluation of the fracture-mechanical properties of materials, intermetallics and other brittle and ductile materials. -The study of the influencing factors and the development of methods for the evaluation of structure integrity and the evaluation of the remnant lifetimes of modern metallic materi...
Significance for science
For science new knowledge and findings on processes in metallic materials on macro-, micro- and nano level are very important. Development of the microstructure depends on the synthesis and process parameters of melting, solidification, heating for hot working, heat treatment and surface engineering. And the microstructure of the material is crucial for the properties of the material. By changing process parameters is thus possible to influence the formation of microstructure on macro-, micro- and nano leve and thus determine the material properties. The main scientific contribution of this research program lies in newly acquired basic knowledge on metallurgical processing, solidification and properties of new advanced metallic materials, emphasizing cleaner materials and technologies. Scientific research allowed deeper understanding and explanation of microstructure and nanostructure evolution in complex metallurgical, thermo-mechanical and heat treatment processes. By detailed understanding of thermodynamics and kinetics of processes in liquid and solid state, diffusion processes, phase transformations during heat treatment, mechanisms of static and dynamic recrystallization and effect of inclusions, research work represents basis for development of new, cleaner and environmentally-friendly metallic materials and metallurgical technologies. Additionally, more efficient use of low quality or secondary raw materials, e.g. slag or low quality scrap is also enabled. By explaining the influencing mechanisms of nanoprecipitates on power losses it was shown, that presence of nanoprecipitates hinders movement of magnetic domains, which has negative effect on magnetic polarization of electrical steel sheet with soft magnetic properties. Development of a mathematical model of heating gave the basis for precise control of annealing furnaces and setting of heating management strategy for different annealing furnaces. In the context of interdisciplinary research on the impact of nano tungsten oxide fibers on epithelial cells of the digestive system, SEM was first used as a control method, which showed the characteristics of the interaction of nano-fibers with the wall of epithelial cells. It was established that most of the fibers pass through the digestive system without damage but some fibers pierced the cells wall during contractions of digestive system and break off during the next contraction. Research results of oriented basic research represent new scientific knowledge, important for the development of science, while in the cooperation with industry they allow implementation of new findings in technological processes and their practical application. Results of the scientific research work, presented in the form of patents, contributions at international conferences and publications in recognized international journals and books have contributed into international knowledge pool on processing new, environmentally-friendly and energy efficient metallic materials. Gained knowledge also contributes to the realization of European requirements for reduced energy consumption, lower level of CO2 emission and higher efficiency of materials processing and production.
Significance for the country
Slovenian metallurgy and metal working industry have long tradition in the region and represent important share in BDP and important export segment. Production of crude steel in Slovenia in 2010 has been over 600.000 metric tons. Research results on metallic materials and technologies are thus extremely important for three main Slovenian steel-plants (Acroni d.o.o., Metal Ravne d.o.o., and Štore Steel d.o.o.) as well as many other companies active in the field of metallurgy and metalworking. Research of the program group constantly contributes to the preservation and development of the metallurgy branch in Slovenia. On the other hand, through applied projects results of the fundamental research work are effectively transferred into the industry and used for improvement of existing processes as well as implementation of new ideas. Research program also represents the basis for the development of new energy efficient and environmentally friendly metallic materials and technologies. Slovenia is very small country with only 35% of own energy production and almost no raw materials. Therefore, reduction in energy and raw material consumption is crucial for Slovenia economy. On the other hand, development and production of cleaner, better materials is necessary to maintain sustainable competitive advantage of the Slovenian industry. Through the improvement of product properties, being based on the results of the research group, companies got better position on the market, higher competitiveness and higher added value of their products and services.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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