Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
3.06.00  Medical sciences  Cardiovascular system   

Code Science Field
B560  Biomedical sciences  Urology, nephrology 

Code Science Field
3.02  Medical and Health Sciences  Clinical medicine 
renal diseases, chronic renal failure, acute renal failure, dialysis, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, apheresis, renal transplantation, vascular access, arterial hypertension
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (24)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  21624  PhD Miha Arnol  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  465 
2.  20955  Majda Aškerc - Kotar    Technical associate  2009 - 2012 
3.  01972  PhD Andrej Bren  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  507 
4.  10649  PhD Jadranka Buturović-Ponikvar  Cardiovascular system  Head  2009 - 2012  1,009 
5.  20957  Mirjana Čalić    Technical associate  2009 - 2012  49 
6.  20956  Liljana Gaber    Technical associate  2009 - 2012  23 
7.  24053  PhD Jakob Gubenšek  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  338 
8.  24793  Dedič Hasan    Technical associate  2009 - 2012 
9.  23173  Ernica Jovanović    Technical associate  2009 - 2012 
10.  01977  PhD Aljoša Kandus  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  553 
11.  20954  Mida Kandus    Technical associate  2009 - 2012 
12.  06393  PhD Bojan Knap  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  366 
13.  12026  PhD Damjan Kovač  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  421 
14.  15406  PhD Janko Kovač  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2010 - 2012  160 
15.  01982  PhD Radoslav Kveder  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  296 
16.  20988  Cvetka Likar    Technical associate  2009 - 2012  40 
17.  07764  PhD Jelka Lindič  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  433 
18.  06203  PhD Marko Malovrh  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  353 
19.  23174  Rada Marinković    Technical associate  2009 - 2012 
20.  14581  PhD Andreja Marn Pernat  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  267 
21.  30496  Vanja Meglen    Technical associate  2009 - 2012 
22.  23258  PhD Jernej Pajek  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  349 
23.  01987  PhD Rafael Ponikvar  Cardiovascular system  Researcher  2009 - 2012  788 
24.  24792  Ratko Žugič    Technical associate  2009 - 2012 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0312  University Medical Centre Ljubljana  Ljubljana  5057272000  77,993 
The number of patients with end stage kidney failure has been increasing worldwide and also in Slovenia as well as the number of older patients with progressive kidney disease. We would like to establish the most frequent kidney diseases connected with the worsening of kidney function and end stage kidney failure; to investigate the risk factors for progression of kidney disease and study clinical and histopathologic connections, and analyze factors that would influence on kidney and patient survival. Long-term survival and quality of life of patients on dialysis is dependent on the adequacy of dialysis via an appropriately placed vascular access. It has been shown beyond doubt that an optimally functioning AVF is a good prognostic factor of patient morbidity and mortality in the pre-dialysis phase. Recent clinical practice guidelines recommend the creation of an AVF as vascular access before the start of chronic haemodialysis therapy to prevent the need for complication-prone dialysis catheters. We will follow how early and late referral to nephrologist influence the time of construction of AVF and what is the influence of different point of view of nephrologist on an AVF construction. We will follow patients with early and late AVF construction before and after haemodialysis treatment: survival and morbidity of patients in both groups. In group of transplanted patients we will follow a long-time survival of AVF after transplantation and influence of AVF thrombosis on the transplant function. Methodology of those studies will be non-invasive diagnostic (duplex sonography), laboratory values and clinical examination. In patients on peritoneal dialysis the investigators would study the biocompatibility of newer dialiysis solutions in respect to standard solutions in respect to frequncy of peritonitis, ultrafiltration, lipid profile, residual kidney functions and some other markers. The aim of prospective randomized study is assessment of efficacy, safety and tolerability of immunosuppression with basiliximab and daclizumab in adult recipients of cadaveric kidneys. These two drugs will be combined with cyclosporine, mycophenolate mophetil, and low dose of steroids. Approximately 200 patients will be included in this study. Recipients will be followed 5 years after transplantation. The function of transplanted kidneys, frequency of acute rejection episodes, frequency and severity of infections, malignancies, and eventual hypersensitivity reactions will be studied. Recurrence of focal segmental glomerular sclerosis (FSGS) in transplanted kidney can lead to severe graft injury and lose of graft function. In recent years there have been promissing reports in the literature of favourable effect of membrane plasma exchange and immunoadsorption on graft function when recurrence of FSGS occurred. In the prospective clinical study the effect of chronic membrane plasma exchange or immunoadsorption therapy on recurrence of FSGS have been assesed. The Annual report of renal replacement therapy in Slovenia is the important tool to evaluate quantity and quality of this therapy. It enables timely correction and planning of dialysis centers network, staff and finantial coverage. Comparison with other countries is also enabled. Histomorphologic changes and bone mineral density in kidney transplant patients will be studied.
Significance for science
Researchers of the Department of Nephrology, University Medical Center Ljubljana participate in the research program P3-0323 »Kidney diseases and renal replacement therapy«. They are active in research on chronic and acute kidney injury and renal replacement therapy. In the period 2009-2012 they have published as (co)authors 58 original manuscripts. They participated as the partners in two large EU-funded research projects: NephroQUEST – European Quality Nephrology Improvement Network in ARCH - Patient-specific image-based computational modelling for improvement of short- and long-term outcome of vascular access in patients on hemodialysis therapy. In addition to that, they participated in the CTS – Collaborative Transplant Study. The most important publications in this period were two big randomized studes performed at the Department of Nephrology, University Medical Center Ljubljana. The first one was from kidney transplantation (Basiliximab versus daclizumab combined with triple immunosuppression in deceased donor renal transplantation: a prospective, randomized study). It was published in one of the most influential transplantation journals, Transplantation, in 2010. The second study was from the field of acute kidney injury (Intermittent high-volume predilution on-line haemofiltration versus standard intermittent haemodialysis in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury: a prospective randomized study). It was published in the December 2012 issue Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation. This study was accompanied by an editorial in the same issue of the journal, with detailed analysis of the study implications for further clinical practice and research. Three doctoral and one master thesis were completed in period 2009-2012 under (co)mentorship of the researchers of the program. We have organized two conferences with international participation: The 5th Slovenian Congress of Nephrology in 2012 and the Symposium celebrating 40th anniversary of dialysis and kidney transplantation in Slovenia in 2010. Results from our studies were presented on these meetings. We have also organized two courses in collaboration with international scientific societies: Winter School of the European Society for Artificial Organs in Kranjska Gora in 2009 and ERA/EDTA CME Course (European Renal Associatioin/European Dialysis and Transplant Association) in Bled in 2011. Researchers from the program were the principal investigators of the 11 tertiary research projects funded by the University Medical Center Ljubljana. Research is continued intensively in the 2013. Presentations at the most important international meetings in the field of nephrology, dialysis and transplantation and original manuscripts submitted or accepted for publications in the next months show that research activity and productivity of the Department of Nephrology, University Medical Center research group will probably increase in the next years.
Significance for the country
The level of health care for the patients with kidney diseases and renal replacement therapy in Slovenia is very high. Comparison with other countries in the quality parameters of dialysis and kidney transplantation shows that some important renal replacement therapy outcomes in Slovenia are significantly better than average in some developed coutries. In addition to clinical outcomes, intensive research through research program P3-0323 contributes to the improvement of the everyday clinical care of the patients with kidney diseases. With intensive research, publications, presentations on international conferences and invited lectures on international meetings, slovenian model of dialysis and transplantation is actively promoted as a potential model-to-follow for the country or region of similar size and transplant activity. Department of Nephrology at University Medical Center Ljubljana is becoming increasingly popular destination for the colleagues from the other countries, as a training center of certain skills in nephrology, dialysis and transplantation. All these activities are important in the view of free flow of patients through EU that is planned to be realized in near future. Slovenia, with high quality of health care delivered for the patients with kidney diseases and need for renal replacement therapy may become desirable destination for the patients from other countries for certain health care services.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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