Projects / Programmes
Integrirani Diagnostični Sistem za Pogonske sklope (Slovene)
Code |
Science |
Field |
Subfield |
2.11.02 |
Engineering sciences and technologies |
Mechanical design |
Special constructions know-how |
Code |
Science |
Field |
2.11 |
Engineering and Technology |
Other engineering and technologies |
Researchers (15)
Organisations (2)
Significance for science
In spite of application oriented research, the project team generated important new results related to signal processing for the purpose of diagnostics and prognostics. The achieved theoretical results represent contribution to the highly perspective research context of nonstationary operating conditions. Particularly notable are contributions to the prognostics of mechanical drives. Their potential is demonstrated clearly through experimental evaluation on test rigs. Published results have obviously triggered interest in the community, which reflects in invitations for several invited talks at the international conferences.
Significance for the country
It is believed that the project results bring evident potentials for the economic progress of Slovenian companies. The actual project results are in the form of prototypes whose development is going further towards market prototypes. The particular project results of direct benefit for the Slovenian companies are the following:
- system for on-line monitoring and trending of oil parameters as well as distribution of wear
particles; although the system has been mainly tested in laboratory conditions, it can be
mounted to the industrial drives (implementation is under way).
- diagnostic and prognostic system for condition monitoring based on integration of different
sensors (implementation on two industrial case studies is under way)
- DPP, or better its successive version labeled as smart node offer obvious opportunities for
direct implementation (a version of conceptual solution has been successfully implemented
on a cable car in one of Slovenia ski resort)
- essential for the overall context is transfer of knowledge obtained in the project in various
forms to maintenance people in industry which are expected to play active role in
anticipated modernisation of the maintenance strategies.
Results reached in the project are of significant importance for the industrial partner that has been supporting the project. Indeed, new HW and SW solutions as well as new algorithms contribute to the increase of quality of its service. The results of the project bring opportunities to extend the quality and range of services on the market, which give chances to the company to become leader in the country in the process of diffusion of new maintenance solutions into industry.
Maintenance in Slovenia is still on relatively low technological level. One of the reasons is
that there are no suitably trained staff qualified for implementation of new maintenance
strategies. On top of that, many managers percept maintenance (as well as the
development in general) as cost. Prototype solutions and proved concepts clearly indicate that there are possibilities to introduce integrated diagnostic systems in industry on a wide scale. Thanks to the applied wireless networks the range of eligible industrial processes becomes even wider. As at the end of the day the data are transferred to a central server, where all diagnostic and prognostic algorithms can be installed, one gets the possibility to monitors asset on a wide range of industries on one place. Such a "diagnostic center" is likely to sort the issue of lack of experts in the companies, hence opening the perspectives of adopting condition maintenance practices on the longer run in Slovenia and surrounding regions.
Most important scientific results
Annual report
final report,
complete report on
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results
Annual report
final report,
complete report on