Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Development of the model of the system for intelligent support of the selection of suitable powder material when developing sintered products

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.11.02  Engineering sciences and technologies  Mechanical design  Special constructions know-how 

Code Science Field
T120  Technological sciences  Systems engineering, computer technology 

Code Science Field
2.11  Engineering and Technology  Other engineering and technologies 
Product development, design process, powder material, design for manufacturing, knowledge-based engineering, decision support system, human cognition, sustainable development
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (19)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  04433  PhD Boris Aberšek  Mechanical design  Researcher  2011 - 2014  743 
2.  20436  PhD Aleš Belšak  Mechanical design  Researcher  2011 - 2013  356 
3.  10608  PhD Bojan Dolšak  Mechanical design  Researcher  2011 - 2013  415 
4.  03014  PhD Jože Flašker  Mechanical design  Head  2011 - 2014  784 
5.  05168  PhD Vladimir Gliha  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2011  338 
6.  13068  PhD Srečko Glodež  Mechanical design  Researcher  2011 - 2014  858 
7.  16243  MSc Albert Korošec  Computer intensive methods and applications  Researcher  2011 - 2014  16 
8.  08612  PhD Samo Kralj  Physics  Researcher  2011 - 2014  916 
9.  01375  PhD Janez Kramberger  Mechanical design  Researcher  2011 - 2014  538 
10.  03991  PhD Marina Novak  Mechanical design  Researcher  2011 - 2013  133 
11.  04292  PhD Saša Novak Krmpotič  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2014  669 
12.  03700  PhD Stanislav Pehan  Mechanical design  Researcher  2011 - 2014  498 
13.  27726  Matej Rajh  Mechanical design  Researcher  2013 - 2014  18 
14.  29566  PhD Urška Sancin  Mechanical design  Researcher  2011 - 2012  24 
15.  23885  MSc Boštjan Slapnik  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2011 - 2014 
16.  08195  PhD Borivoj Šuštaršič  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2011 - 2014  412 
17.  03701  MSc Frančišek Tašner  Energy engineering  Technical associate  2011 - 2014  69 
18.  15682  PhD Tomaž Vuherer  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2011 - 2014  517 
19.  19095  PhD Boštjan Zafošnik  Mechanical design  Researcher  2013  113 
Organisations (5)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0106  Jožef Stefan Institute  Ljubljana  5051606000  92,024 
2.  0237  TALUM, Tovarna aluminija d.d. Kidričevo (Slovene)  Kidričevo  5040868  439 
3.  0795  University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering  Maribor  5089638010  24,101 
4.  1978  UNIOR D.D. Forging industry  Zreče  5042437 
5.  2547  University of Maribor, Faculty of natural sciences and mathematics  Maribor  5089638051  18,167 
Technical systems’ development process is relatively precisely defined and reasonably well supported with modern computer tools. Numerous commercial computer aids or specially developed computer tools are relying mostly on graphic presentation, simulations, engineering analysis (i.e. finite element method) and animations of future technical system performance in virtual environment. In the embodiment phase, the designer has to take decisions, influenced by various parameters, according to the available data. One of crucial decisions is material selection, conditioned by several criteria, among which the proposed project will focus on function, technical features and shape of developing product or technical system. Other criteria, like serviceability, technical feasibility and economic justification are going to be considered accordingly. Despite the potential of already mentioned computer tools, a designer has to evaluate the information gathered from these aids, seek interdependences and finally choose the optimum from the broad list of materials. Powder material be outlined here, as they are frequently used in technical praxis. On the other hand, there is a leak of relevant data and knowledge for successful selection among them. Consequentially, the designer has to master all influential parameters, their overlapping or contradictions, and above all, he or she has to know the materials available on the market. Designer’s right/wrong decision severely influences product’s applicability in praxis, its technical feasibility, life time, economic justification and recycling possibilities along with environment impact. Thus, numerous experts from various fields usually need to contribute their expertise to reach the final decision, which is often quite difficult, as opinions may be contradictive. In addition, sustainability has to be considered as well. The aim of the proposed basic research project is to develop a model of intelligent system to support the selection of powder material according to function, technical features and design criteria. The system will be able to support the designer in decision making process, whilst selecting the most appropriate polymer for the product or technical system. The model will consider technical feasibility, energy consumption and economic justification as well as cognition about recycling and reuse in correlation to the environmental impacts.
Significance for science
Gained results and accomplished knowledge in the framework of the project give an important insight on production trends in Europe and also worldwide. Due to low price, low waste, tight tolerances and evermore improving mechanical properties powder metallurgy is becoming an interesting alternative mass production process for the future. Especially automotive industry has been using this technology to produce non-vital parts. Literature research on this field however concludes that sintered parts will enter the industry as vital automotive parts, such as transmission gears and connecting rods. In-depth chemical analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and thermos-gravimetric analysis had given an important understanding of sintering conditions and diffusion process between aluminum powder particles. Results were presented at “International Conference on Materials and Technology” in Portorož, Slovenia and published in scientific journal “Materials and Technology”, which is published by Institute of Materials and Technology in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Results also sparked interest of abroad companies consequently a successful collaboration was established. Extensive experiments on sintered steel after different heat treatments contributed to profound understanding of mechanical behavior of sintered steel. Results of static and dynamic tests were presented at “21st International Conference on Materials and Technology” in Portorož, Slovenia and at international conference “Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture” in Brno, Czech Republic and published in journal “Materials and Technology” and in journal “Key Engineering Materials”. Fracture mechanics results were presented at international conference on powder metallurgy “Euro PM 2014” in Salzburg, Austria and will be sent for publication to one of the recognized international journals in this field. Developed computational model for determination of tooth root strength was presented at “International Conference on Gears” in Lyon, France and published in “International Journal of Mechanical Engineering”.
Significance for the country
As demonstration of knowledge and awareness of most recent production trends is becoming increasingly more important in modern industry, realization of the project crucially improved scientific competences inside companies Talum and Unior, because collaboration in common project with Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has enabled quicker transfer of academic knowledge into Slovenian industry. Review of scientific papers from worldwide and participation in international scientific conferences had enabled Slovenian companies Talum and Unior to implement cutting edge science into Slovenian industry, because Slovenian companies usually do not possess access to latest scientific papers and do not participate in international scientific conferences. Additionally, results obtained during the project have given further understanding of materials that are the object of work in companies Unior and Talum. Comparison of waste aluminum powder properties with commercial aluminum powder mix prepared for compaction and sintering made it possible to make a step towards solution of industrial problem in company Talum. Although waste aluminum powder is not suitable for compaction and sintering, alternative solutions to efficiently use otherwise waste material were proposed. Comprehensive analysis of sintered steel mechanical properties enabled a better understanding of importance to prevent formation of layer cracks during metal powder compaction in company Unior. Analysis of mechanical properties with respect to heat treatment also showed that conditions during sintering and further heat treatment have enormous effect on mechanical properties of final part. Thus regular maintenance and strict control of sintering and heat treatment furnaces is extremely important.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2011, 2012, 2013, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2011, 2012, 2013, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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