International projects source: SICRIS

Quality in gender equality policies

Researchers (5)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  18631  MSc Franja Arlič  Economics  Technical associate  2006 - 2011 
2.  29609  PhD Ana Frank  Anthropology  Researcher  2006 - 2011  56 
3.  30129  PhD Martin Jaigma  Humanities  Researcher  2006 - 2011  16 
4.  03706  PhD Vlasta Jalušič  Political science  Head  2006 - 2011  396 
5.  21584  PhD Roman Kuhar  Culturology  Researcher  2006 - 2011  829 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0366  Peace Institute  Ljubljana  5498295000  3,670 
The European Union is a multilayered, multicultural democracy based on mutual respect for its diverse peoples and cultures, introducing goals that value diversity and inclusion while counteracting hierarchies, inequalities and exclusion. At the level of its Member States, uneven struggles often diverge from this and tend to exclude and polarize, whether the focus is on race, ethnicity, religion or sexuality.Gender issues are constitutive of current European polarizations in terms of ethnicity, sexuality and religion. Innovative perspectives to address these divergences and polarizations need avoid opposing minority rights and gender equality. Gender equality policies, as the most developed policies against inequality, provide the best entrance to developing inclusive gender\ equality policies. QUING will actively bring together and construct the knowledge needed for such inclusive gender\ equality policies, by conceptualizing how technocratic tendencies can be counteracted and how attention for intersectionality can be integrated.It will also assess the current content, quality and problems of gender\ equality policies and produce recommendations and standards for gender\ training so that policy making fits active gender equal citizenship in a multicultural Europe. QUING does this through 5 integrated activities. LARG and WHY will generate and bring together new concepts, knowledge and understanding on current practices across the whole of Europe on gender equality policies.FRAGEN will provide knowledge both on the origins of gender equality policies, and their current materialization. STRIQ will provide the necessary knowledge to address gender inequality in policy making without contributing to other inequalities. Finally, OPERA is an innovative contribution to provide standards, materials and training for gender\ equality. Together the 5 activities will contribute significantly to the quality of gender\ equality policies in the EU and its candidate countries.
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