International projects source: SICRIS

Transnational Learning through Local Experimenting - The creation of Dynamic Complementarities between Economy and Society

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  10414  PhD Marko Jaklič  Economics  Head  2006 - 2009  773 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0584  University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business (SEB)  Ljubljana  1626922  42,920 
With globalisation advanced through mergers, acquisitions and outsourcing, and work being constantly changed by new technology and organisational practices, EU citizens frequently find themselves in unforeseen and unusual situations, which call for their experimental ingenuity and entrepreneurship. It has been widely acknowledged that this volatility and unpredictability calls for a new society in which actors should be better informed and should be able to respond in diverse and flexible ways.Two divergent socio-economic models compete currently for the highest possible benchmarks: Anglo-American neo-liberal states that have used market mechanisms to pressurize institutions and companies to change and to force citizens to react; and Nordic welfare states that have enabled and empowered citizens to act by allowing experimental use of their institutions. The overall objective of the Translearn project is to develop a road map for transnational learning for how citizens in different socio-economic systems can make experimental use of existing institutions, create new governance modes and collaborative partnerships across sectors, level and divisions of interests.The overall objective will be reached through a step-wise inductive research process containing comparative cross-national analyses and multi-professional dialogues. The project will take four Nordic countries as a point of departure, and use Slovenia as a test case for transnational learning in small new member states. These inductive lessons from small European countries will allow for creation of new empirical and conceptual tools to compare the dynamics of change in other socio-economic models. A comparative assessment of the Nordic countries and EU countries will finally be used to point out various possible roads to growth and job creation. The project is designed to feed simultaneously into policy processes at several national and EU-levels.
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