Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.16.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Mining and geotechnology   
1.08.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Control and care of the environment   

Code Science Field
T220  Technological sciences  Civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, offshore technology, soil mechanics 

Code Science Field
2.07  Engineering and Technology  Environmental engineering  
1.05  Natural Sciences  Earth and related Environmental sciences 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (13)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  19511  PhD Janko Bračič  Mathematics  Researcher  2015  353 
2.  03612  PhD Bojana Dolinar  Civil engineering  Researcher  2013 - 2015  251 
3.  29476  PhD Matevž Fazarinc  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2013 - 2014  102 
4.  09644  PhD Jakob Likar  Mining and geotechnology  Researcher  2013 - 2015  1,886 
5.  14094  PhD Borut Macuh  Civil engineering  Researcher  2013 - 2015  351 
6.  00143  PhD Franc Runovc  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher  2013 - 2014  157 
7.  04475  PhD Stanislav Škrabl  Civil engineering  Researcher  2013 - 2015  440 
8.  05206  PhD Milan Terčelj  Materials science and technology  Head  2013 - 2015  394 
9.  03038  PhD Ludvik Trauner  Civil engineering  Researcher  2013  493 
10.  15886  PhD Goran Vižintin  Mining and geotechnology  Researcher  2013 - 2015  489 
11.  15482  PhD Leopold Vrankar  Mining and geotechnology  Researcher  2013  40 
12.  18918  PhD Milivoj Vulić  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2015  228 
13.  07508  PhD Bojan Žlender  Civil engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2015  701 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0797  University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture  Maribor  5089638011  12,955 
2.  1555  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engeneering  Ljubljana  1627074  19,961 
Proposed research works and analysis of geological and synthetic materials are basis for different models which can determine relationships between the ground layers and constructions above and below ground surface. The planned construction in the complex geotechnical environments and opportunities to use modern engineering materials with the aim of providing economic and safe construction method, is of the utmost importance for the future development of technologies with excellent usable in the changing geological conditions. Laboratory and field studies and investigations of geomechanical parameters of different soils and rocks including high squeezing ground layers, which are ongoing and will be implemented in the near future, will enable a determination of the appropriate geotechnical characteristics and interactions of physical and chemical links with the aim of achieving a better knowledge of the time-dependent deformation processes. Numerical modeling of the various relationships between natural geological materials and artificial support systems in soils and rocks and not at least high squeezing grounds will be improved in terms of in-depth scientific examination of such relations. Scientific knowledge, based on the results of fundamental research of mechanical soil and rock properties with possible applications in the wider area of ​​rock will largely facilitate and contribute to technical decisions in the development of new technologies applied in the wider environment. These decisions will be indirectly confirmed by the accompanying measurements and observations at the ground surface and underground facilities. Belong that all respects will be included in the principles of sustainable development of individual sites on the earth's surface.
Significance for science
Within the research group, we began by comparing the results of different approaches to modeling using FEM and MKD. Between the models, we mainly check the comparability of the results calibrated by using classical calibration approach vs the approach that takes into account regularization algorithms. Initial results show that the use of algorithm regularization is welcome, but is showing also that it is necessary to take into account the expert knowledge of the modeled area. Numerical models have confirmed that rising of the water in the accumulation t will increase the impact on the groundwater, but with the time the impact due to clogging will decreases. At the beginning a strong impact can be seeb and the amount of water flowing out of the accumulation may reach a few m3, but later this impact is due to the rising clogging in the banks of accumulation and its bottom is reduced. On the long term this is leading to a reduction of the river’s impact to the aquifer. Assessment of the sensitivity is showing particular; the following parameters are affecting the groundwater, namely: the amplitude of the water oscillations in the accumulation, the period of oscillations and the coefficient of clogging. Comparison between the models produced in the traditional way and the models in which we considered regularization and the regionalization with the technique of "Pilot Points" (PP) has shown that the sensitivity is identical in both cases but the results may be different. Members of the research group are working on solving the real problems with which the engineering profession face every day. These issues relate to the ultimate limit states, earth pressure and stability of the slopes as well as development and application of analytical and numerical kinematic models and methods of mathematical optimization to achieve optimal solution. Described problems are often so complex that they can be resolved only by using scientific research methods and solid theoretical knowledge and practical experience of researchers. However, in the field covered by our research group there are only a few qualified researchers that is why we have established good cooperation with researchers from various European research institutions. In addition to the exchange of knowledge it is also linked with the purpose of joint European projects. We Actively participate actively in ELGIP - European Large Geotechnical Intitutes Platform, in COST Action TU 1405 "European network for low geothermal energy applications and buildings and Infrastructures (GABI)”, in project “INERTIAL – Designing buildings and Infrastructures Resilient this Impacting Loads from Rock Falls "with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of protection of buildings and infrastructure against landslides, falling stones (sign in Horizon 2020) and in project "GEOWATER - Spreading of Excellence and Innovation and Geo-Engineering and Water Management ", with the objective of knowledge transfer between old and new EU members of universities (sign in Horizon 2020). Members of the program group are also involved in international doctoral studies JPHD together with renowned experts from TU Graz, TU Budapest and the University of Zagreb. Every year, we hosted at TU Graz, where we present the latest findings in research work. This enable the transfer of our knowledge and new findings in the wider area. Original innovative solutions we have, in this research period, published in quality journals. This shows that the results are interesting also for the wider international community. This is shown with increased number of citations and reflecting the innovation and originality both the fundamental findings as well as proposed solutions. This is also the aim of the objective of the research program.
Significance for the country
Importance of research results for Slovenia is seen in placement of power plants on the lower Sava area and into Krško - Brežice - Basin. With FEM and FDM method were made comparative models of the effects of the power plant Mokrice and Brežice on the groundwater in alluvial and Plio-Quarternary sediments of Krško – Brežice Basin. The modelling calibration was carried out by PEST, Tikhonov and SVD regularization and with applications of the Pilot Points (Pilot points – PP) technique. The mere use of FEM and FDM techniques is not so new, but the use of regularisation calibration PP techniques within the PEST algorithm is new in Slovenia. With the help of so developed models an estimation of the Sava River rises due to the construction of accumulation on groundwater was taken into account with the consideration of relaxation measures. Despite the fact that in the field of construction the recent years were difficult, we have built in Slovenia some very complex structures, and more are in the planning phase (eg. Pumping power plant of Kozjak hydroelectric Brežice, HE Mokrice and HE Mura, nuclear waste disposal ...). These objects are of national importance, where careful planning and execution of work is necessary. In the case of the mentioned constructions it is also essential to ensure the continuing safety in the exploitation stage, great care is also dedicated to protecting the environment. As a rule, in such cases we are involved also. With new (often innovative) approaches and proposals we contribute to a rational and safe construction. Such cooperation allows for enrichment of knowledge of all participants. At such cases new problems appear that lead to our further research. Participation in such works enables verification of our findings as to acquire practical experience. Research and knowledge, which is supported by practical examples, it is very interesting for the students, we often our experiences share also with researchers from other institutions in Slovenia and abroad. Knowledge that is obtained in the context of the program group are important for the development of civil engineering in Slovenia. The fact is that the companies in Slovenia, which are engaged in the design and construction do not have their own research and development centers, thus the members of the program group taken this task. For the development of Slovenia the domestic knowledge is clearly very important.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2013, 2014, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2013, 2014, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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