Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Novel detection methods based on Cherenkov radiation

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
1.02.06  Natural sciences and mathematics  Physics  Experimental physics of elementary particles 

Code Science Field
P210  Natural sciences and mathematics  Elementary particle physics, quantum field theory 

Code Science Field
1.03  Natural Sciences  Physical sciences 
physics of B and D mesons, identification of charged particles, Cherenkov detektors, multianode PMTs, hybrid photon detectors, fast read-out electronics
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (11)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  15641  PhD Marko Bračko  Physics  Researcher  2013 - 2016  833 
2.  29519  PhD Rok Dolenec  Physics  Researcher  2014 - 2015  88 
3.  12092  PhD Boštjan Golob  Physics  Researcher  2013 - 2016  783 
4.  11598  PhD Samo Korpar  Physics  Researcher  2013 - 2016  863 
5.  08725  PhD Peter Križan  Physics  Head  2013 - 2016  1,052 
6.  16354  PhD Rok Pestotnik  Physics  Researcher  2013 - 2016  749 
7.  30884  PhD Marko Petrič  Physics  Researcher  2014  189 
8.  11775  PhD Tomaž Podobnik  Physics  Researcher  2013 - 2016  425 
9.  33327  PhD Eva Ribežl  Physics  Researcher  2015  49 
10.  03947  PhD Marko Starič  Physics  Researcher  2013 - 2016  786 
11.  32169  PhD Luka Šantelj  Physics  Researcher  2013 - 2014  315 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0106  Jožef Stefan Institute  Ljubljana  5051606000  92,024 
2.  0794  University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering  Maribor  5089638012  13,212 
In the next decade, the research in elementary particle physics will concentrate on the investigation of the origin of electro-weak symmetry breaking and the search for extensions of the Standard Model (SM), popularly known as New Physics. In addition to searches for new phenomena at the LHC, precision measurements of rare processes in decays of heavy quarks and leptons at Super B factories will have an important complementary role. For this next generation of experiments, new methods for particle identification are needed, all based on the detection of Cherenkov radiation. In the proposed project, we will investigate new particle identification methods to be employed in one of the super B factory projects, Belle II at the KEK laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan.
Significance for science
The Belle II experiment in which we have employed the methods developed in the present project, is an outstanding scientific apparatus at the frontier of scientific and technological capabilities. The aim of Belle II is to deepen our understanding of elementary constituents of matter and the forces acting between them. The results of the proposed project have brought progress and new solutions in the field of detection methods, and have enabled the upgrading of a very successful experiment in the search for new physics phenomena. The discovery of new particles, such as super-symmetric partners of the known elementary particles, would dramatically change our understanding of the world around us, and of the way it developed. The results of the research within this project will help in searching for answers to the basic questions of particle physics and cosmology, specifically to the question of why there is at all matter in the universe, which did not get annihilated with antimatter. The results will contribute to a decisive advancement and to new solutions in detector techniques.
Significance for the country
The influence of the results goes beyond the field of particle physics as the detectors that have been investigated have numerous applications in other fields, notably in medical imaging. Slovenian high tech companies (e.g. Kens and Elgoline) got involved in the production of some of the components of the system – in particular the very complex integrated circuits for the read-out electronics. The project also has an indirect impact on Slovenia in many aspects. Because of the leading role of our researchers in the Belle II project (leadership of the full project, as well as the coordination of the particle identification system) this project helps to promote Slovenia in many ways; this fact became quite obvious during the groundbreaking ceremony of the project. A scientific promotion in Japan is also a good starting point for establishing connections between high-tech companies and potential customers, in particular in the field of accelerator control systems (Instrumentation Technologies and Cosylab). Participation in high-tech international projects offers a good opportunity for an easy access to the new knowledge. Last but not least, education of students is a very important part of our research. During our research within the Belle experiment we already had eleven successfully finished PhD Theses; five of the former students ended up in business, and six in science. Three more PhD defenses are expected within the next three years.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2013, 2014, 2015, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2013, 2014, 2015, final report
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