Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Groundwaters and geochemistry

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
1.06.07  Natural sciences and mathematics  Geology  Natural resources (mineral and energy raw materials, water) 
1.06.04  Natural sciences and mathematics  Geology  Geochemistry 

Code Science Field
P470  Natural sciences and mathematics  Hydrogeology, geographical and geological engineering 

Code Science Field
1.05  Natural Sciences  Earth and related Environmental sciences 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (33)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  51988  PhD Simona Adrinek  Geology  Junior researcher  2018 - 2019  163 
2.  33305  PhD Špela Bavec  Geology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  90 
3.  17253  Zmago Bole    Technical associate  2014 - 2019  208 
4.  14134  PhD Mihael Brenčič  Geology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  1,702 
5.  30456  Ana Burger  Geology  Technical associate  2016 - 2019  114 
6.  32051  PhD Sonja Cerar  Geology  Researcher  2015 - 2019  246 
7.  37528  PhD Teja Čeru  Geology  Researcher  2019  74 
8.  51585  Matej Draksler    Technical associate  2018 - 2019  19 
9.  29592  PhD Tamara Ferjan Stanič  Geology  Researcher  2014  58 
10.  38185  PhD Martin Gaberšek  Geology  Junior researcher  2015 - 2019  69 
11.  10667  PhD Mateja Gosar  Geology  Head  2014 - 2019  433 
12.  34379  PhD Kristina Ivančič  Geology  Junior researcher  2014 - 2019  73 
13.  10889  PhD Brigita Jamnik  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  328 
14.  19280  PhD Mitja Janža  Geology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  448 
15.  35387  PhD Anja Koroša  Geology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  131 
16.  22352  PhD Jure Krivic  Geology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  244 
17.  17541  MSc Andrej Lapanje  Geology  Technical associate  2017 - 2019  750 
18.  01259  PhD Nina Mali  Geology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  438 
19.  17245  Tomislav Matoz    Technical associate  2014 - 2019 
20.  17247  Miroslav Medić    Technical associate  2014 - 2019  81 
21.  50350  Marko Mehle    Technical associate  2018 - 2019  26 
22.  30957  PhD Kim Mezga  Civil engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2018  150 
23.  17236  Vida Pavlica    Technical associate  2016 
24.  53563  Valentina Pezdir  Geology  Junior researcher  2019  31 
25.  28455  PhD Nina Rman  Geology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  989 
26.  50351  PhD Luka Serianz  Geology  Junior researcher  2017 - 2019  337 
27.  11339  PhD Robert Šajn  Geology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  509 
28.  37004  Dejan Šram  Geology  Technical associate  2014 - 2019  180 
29.  21661  Jože Štih    Technical associate  2014 - 2015  98 
30.  26524  PhD Tamara Teršič  Geology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  81 
31.  38492  Marko Tukić    Technical associate  2017 - 2018 
32.  04862  PhD Janko Urbanc  Geology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  462 
33.  33141  PhD Marjana Zajc  Geology  Beginner researcher  2017 - 2019  91 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0215  Geological Survey of Slovenia  Ljubljana  5051410000  11,308 
2.  6484  JAVNO PODJETJE VODOVOD KANALIZACIJA SNAGA d.o.o. (Slovene)  Ljubljana  5046688  885 
Research programme "Groundwater and Geochemistry" comprises different branches of geology in order to deepen our understanding of geological phenomena and their influences on the consequences of human activity in the natural environment. Geological environment with its processes is very extensive and complex, and its understanding therefore requires synergetic cooperation of scientists from different branches of geology united in one scientific programme.   The major objective of the programme is to assess the impacts of anthropogenic activities on the natural environment with regard to natural geological circumstances. Thus we work in the field of environmental geochemistry of potentially harmful elements (PHE), which is an important and growing field of research in geochemistry and hydrogeology. The programme will examine the sources, transport, and fate of trace and toxic substances in pristine and contaminated environments. Of particular importance is understanding of the processes that affect the release, transport, and uptake of these substances and making connections between the presence of PHE in environment and their toxicology. The results of pollution dispersion models through various geological media will present the basis of effective measures which will contribute to the effective protection of the environment.   Part of the proposed activities represents continuation of the successful cooperation of interested institutions from Slovenia and the Western Balkan in the EU FP7 project RESTCA-TRACE-NIPMSS FP Slovenia-Italy, in a number of bilateral projects and Programmes of Transnational Cooperation (Alpine Space, Central Evrope). Future work includes a multi institutional approach geological and geochemical studies of secondary materials (soil, dust, sediment, biological materials) with a variety of methods, and the use of advanced statistical and mathematical methods such as  Multiple Polynomial Regression, Artificial neural intelligence – multilayer perceptron and remote sensing techniques for prediction of PHE concentration and their transport in real environment. Based on the experimental studies of transport processes in regional cross-border aquifer systems, models will be upgraded with the aim to determine the optimum balance between protection and exploitation of water resources. Results will contribute to the sustainable management of water resources. In our work the new approaches and methodologies of modern hydrogeological and geochemical surveys will be used. With our interdisciplinary work we will also contribute to the development of other disciplines.
Significance for science
In the scope of the research programme (RP) we are continuing with the study of natural and anthropogenic processes, occurring in a media as a consequence of interaction soil–rock–water–pollutant–air and of factors controlling these processes. Investigations will contribute to basic geological knowledge and at the same time also to solving the methodological problems connected with research and practical work. Significant scientific knowledge in the field of hydrogeology and geochemistry will be obtained, important for Slovenian as well as foreign scientists.   With the results of the suggested RP many unsolved problems concerning regional geochemical and hydrogeological characteristics of Slovenia will be solved. Establishment of new conceptual models for aquifer systems will provide basis for implementation of new methodologies in further research work. Special care will be given to optimization of mathematical geothermal model of regional groundwater flow in NE Slovenia. In this survey the most up to date measurement techniques and models of thermal flow will be applied.   Our researches will contribute to new scientific knowledge concerning geochemical processes in soil, sediments and groundwater. Results of the RP will be applied as additional knowledge concerning complexity of chemical composition of secondary materials and their chemical interdependence. Knowledge of relation between parameters in the recharge areas of water sources and hydrochemical composition of groundwater is, despite great progress in the last decades, still inadequate, especially for certain chemical compounds and isotopes regularly used in hydrogeological practice. Product of analysis of systematic hydrogeochemical researches will be hydrogeochemical map of Slovenia, which will be of great importance for further hydrogeological research in Slovenia, while methodological approach used, and its innovativeness will become globally known.   We expect great progress in understanding transport processes and degradation of pollutants. Important data concerning potential harmful elements (PHE) and other substances of anthropogenic origin, especially in groundwater, will be obtained with planned studies. These data represent the basis for the study of transport processes and assessment of burdening of aquifers. Results will contribute to improved understanding of the role of the unsaturated zone and physical and chemical processes taking place in it during transport of pollutants. Methodology for establishment of hydrogeological conceptual models will be optimized in the part that concerns with description of movement of pollutant and thus contribute to interpretation of their effect on the environment. New scientific knowledge concerning relations between potential pollution sources, water dynamics, land use and occurrence of substances of anthropogenic origin is expected. With proposed research we will contribute to the current scientific trends at a global scale.
Significance for the country
The research programme (RP) »Groundwater and geochemistry« is aimed to realize one of the principal strategic goals of Slovenia, i.e. to improve the quality of life and health. Groundwater is almost the only source of safe drinking water in Slovenia, an important technological resource and the basis of numerous tourist activities (e.g. spas, health resorts). The soil is also of crucial importance for human existence, since it is an irreplaceable source of nutritional substances and water, the habitat of many organisms and the carrier of life on the Earth’s surface. It is very important that the soil will be able to further fullfil all these functions to the best possible extent. All EU member states confront the phenomenon of extensive and worrying degradation processes which influence the quality of different environmental compartments.   The RP will have long-term effects on society in the form of better protection of soil and groundwater as a natural resource. The research results will be significant for the country as a manager of water resources and for other consumers of drinking, thermal, mineral and spring water. The results will contribute to the long-term economic and investment development of companies.   The RP is important for the socio-economic and cultural development of Slovenia as it effects on: · conservation and protection of soil and water resources as part of the natural heritage and the development of guidelines for the environmental protection · assessment of the quality and availability of drinking water resources · legislation for the protection of drinking water resources, monitoring of groundwater, soil and sediment, drainage of rainwater, etc. · optimization measures for effective water regime in terms of flood protection, water supply, exploitation of energy potential and environmental protection · creating programs of environmental protection measures and policies in the field of agriculture and land use · creating guidelines for sustainable exploitation of the aquifers with thermal, mineral or drinking water · comprehensive and long-term water supply · basis for land use (e.g. underground construction, construction of highways, railways, waste-dumps design) · development of measurement equipment.   The RP group also includes students; diplomas and doctoral thesis are part of the RP content. After successful completion of their studies some of these students are included in the RP group as young researchers. Senior researchers are involved in the education in the role of teachers and mentors. Some members of the RP group become appointed lecturers at the Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering in Ljubljana. We are popularizing our scientific achievements in popular-scientific media and with good cooperation with schools. Among important activities of the RP group members is also intensive contribution in the editorial boards of the scientific and professional journals.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2014, 2015, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2014, 2015, final report
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