Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.01.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Civil engineering   

Code Science Field
T220  Technological sciences  Civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, offshore technology, soil mechanics 

Code Science Field
2.01  Engineering and Technology  Civil engineering 
masonry structures, structural ekements, walls, boundary conditions, seismic resistance, strengthening, fiber reinforced polymers
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (8)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  18793  PhD Matjaž Dolšek  Civil engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2017  782 
2.  00025  PhD Peter Fajfar  Civil engineering  Researcher  2015  876 
3.  24339  PhD Matija Gams  Civil engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2017  211 
4.  24337  PhD Miha Kramar  Civil engineering  Researcher  2015 - 2017  73 
5.  05697  MSc Marjanca Lutman  Civil engineering  Technical associate  2015 - 2017  481 
6.  32691  PhD Jure Snoj  Civil engineering  Researcher  2015 - 2017  72 
7.  37051  Žiga Šebenik  Civil engineering  Researcher  2016 
8.  00654  PhD Miha Tomaževič  Civil engineering  Head  2014 - 2017  744 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0792  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering  Ljubljana  1626981  25,932 
2.  1502  Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute  Ljubljana  5866324000  10,259 
Seismic behavior of multistory masonry shear walls will be investigated. Two aspect of seismic behavior will be considered. First, the influence of boundary conditions on the behavior of a wall pier as a part of a mesonry shear wall will be investigated. As has been seen by testing individual walls, built using modern clay hollow units laid in thin layer mortars, the observed failure mechanisms do not always comply with earthquake damages observations. This can be in part attributed to testing procedures which do not accurately simulate actual boundary conditions. Therefore, multistorey shear walls will be tested and the results ob observations used to improved the testing set-up for testing the single wall specimens. Traditional cclic as well as pseudo-dynamic testing procedures will be used. The second topic to be investigated is relating with contemporary methods for seismic strengthening of existing , seismically vulnerable brick masonry buildings. Various technical solutions by using FRP coating are alreday used, sometimes however without exerimental verification of their efficiency. Although substantial amount of experimental work has been carried out, no data regarding the efficient of strengthening the entire shear wall system are available. As the in situ tests indicated, besides the strengthening of an individual wall element, adequate connection of coating and improving the resistance of other parts of the shear wall is of relevant importance for the success of strengthening of the entire building. In addition, the observed phenoma will be mathematically modeled. Two levels of modeling will be applied: a macro level modeling to propose practical design methods, needed in the design of new structures as well as in redesign of the existing ones when retrofitted. On the basis of the newly developed macro element, the probability assessment of the values of structural behavior factor q, used in practical verification of seismic resistance of masonry buildings, will be carried out.
Significance for science
The results of experimental research, carried out within the framework of this project, confirmed some basic assumptions regarding the mechanism of seismic behaviour of a single wall pier as a structural member of an entire masonry shear wall. The results also made clear the influence of various types of boundary conditions on the behaviour of a single wall element subjected to constant vertical and cyclic horizontal shear load. On the basis of experimental results, test control algorithms as well as the test set-up for cyclic shear tests have been improved to simulate the actual situation in the building as realistically as possible. In such a way, the unexpected local mechanisms and damage to the walls have been prevented, resulting in a more realistic assessment of deformability properties of the tested elements. Consequently, numerical models, simulating the seismic behaviour of individual walls, can be validated in a more credible way. In the situation, where contemporary technical solutions for aseismic strengthening of existing masonry buildings are being advertised and even applied to buildings without sufficient experimental evidence regarding their actual efficiency, experimental verification of their efficiency is of relevant importance. The results of experiments, carried out within the framework of this project, prove that the strengthening of masonry buildings using such technologies is efficient, providing that adequate technologies of application be used. Since they represent an important step forward in the field of seismic rehabilitation of existing masonry buildings, including architectural heritage, it is expected that the result will have an important impact also on the decision making processes regarding the issue. The obtained results will provide sufficient information to draft guidelines for practical use and redesign. The experiments are among the first in the world where the efficiency of application of such technical solutions to brick masonry buildings has been investigated on the full size structural assemblages. A new method for the assessment of seismic risk of masonry buildings, based on the push-over analysis, non-linear dynamic analysis of an equivalent single degree of freedom model and equation of seismic risk, which connects the functions of seismic vulnerability components with the function of seismic hazard, has bee developed. In addition, the classic, conventional definition of the structural behaviour factor (seismic load reduction factor), which is used in the case of the traditional equivalent static analysis of masonry buildings, has been redefined. Besides the parameters of conventional definition, which is a function of displacements, forces and return period of the earthquake, the influence of seismic risk, i.e. the probability of exceedance of the chosen limit state, has been included.
Significance for the country
Raziskave so potrdile učinkovitost utrjevanja opečnih zidanih stavb s polimernimi oblogami. Ker so rešitve, ki so se izkazale za primerne, razmeroma enostavne za aplikacijo in ekonomične, se bodo povečale možnosti preventivnega protipotresnega utrjevanja starih zidanih stavb, tudi stavb arhitekturne kulturne dediščine. Potresna rehabilitacija starih mestnih jeder v potresno ogroženih mestih je pereč problem, ki se ga zavedamo že dalj časa, vendar sistematičnih ukrepov za zmanjšanje potresnega tveganja, ki jih morajo izpeljati mestne uprave, še ni. Čeprav so učinkoviti, so klasični utrditveni ukrepi razmeroma dragi, njihova aplikacija pa je zamudna in zahteva izselitev uporabnikov iz prostorov stavb. Sodobne tehnološke rešitve postajajo cenejše in manj moteče, vendar njihovi učinki šele z izvedenimi raziskavami postajajo dovolj zanesljivo preverjene, da se jih lahko priporoči za splošno uporabo. Če bodo uporabljeni, bodo rezultati raziskav neposredno pripomogli k povečani varnosti družbe na potresno ogroženih območjih. Z raziskavami smo pridobili nova znanja tako za sodobno potresno odporno projektiranje novih zidanih konstrukcij, ki vključuje tudi potresno tveganje, kot tudi za utrjevanje obstoječih zidanih konstrukcij s sodobnimi materiali. Ravno tako smo pridobili znanja o načinu preizkušanja osnovnih elementov, zidov, s katerim dobimo verodostojnejše podatke o parametrih potresne odpornosti. Izsledke bomo lahko uporabili pri predlogih za standardizacijo tovrstnih preiskav. Ker so raziskave posredno vpete v svetovno raziskovalno skupnost, bodo z njimi naši raziskovalci potrdili ugled, ki ga v njej že uživajo.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2014, 2015, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2014, 2015, final report
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