Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Theory of the condensed matter and statistical physics

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
1.02.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Physics   
1.07.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Computer intensive methods and applications   

Code Science Field
P002  Natural sciences and mathematics  Physics 

Code Science Field
1.03  Natural Sciences  Physical sciences 
Correlated Electron Systems, Superconductivity, Nonequilibrium dynamics, Exact solutions, Integrability, Transport, Heavy fermions, Dynamical mean-field theory, Impurity physics, Nanophysics, Quantum bits, Self-assembled nanonetworks, Information diffusion.
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (54)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  55411  PhD German Gabriel Blesio  Physics  Researcher  2021  10 
2.  04943  PhD Janez Bonča  Physics  Head  2015 - 2021  286 
3.  53867  Blaž Bortolato  Physics  Technical associate  2020  12 
4.  34984  PhD Berislav Buča  Physics  Junior researcher  2015  14 
5.  34429  PhD Jože Buh  Physics  Researcher  2015  39 
6.  55655  PhD Banhi Chatterjee  Physics  Researcher  2021 
7.  55283  PhD Luis Cort Barrada  Physics  Researcher  2021 
8.  30868  PhD Tilen Čadež  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2016 
9.  54513  Ana Flack    Technical associate  2020 
10.  55694  PhD Szczepan Glodzik  Physics  Researcher  2021  10 
11.  33317  PhD Denis Golež  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2021  105 
12.  26228  Nevenka Hauschild    Technical associate  2016 - 2021 
13.  37472  PhD Alen Horvat  Physics  Junior researcher  2015 - 2018 
14.  32770  PhD Tadej Kanduč  Mathematics  Researcher  2019  59 
15.  29515  PhD Gregor Kladnik  Physics  Researcher  2020 - 2021  78 
16.  35465  PhD Jan Kogoj  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2018  16 
17.  26458  PhD Jure Kokalj  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2021  104 
18.  34443  PhD Ambrož Kregar  Energy engineering  Junior researcher  2015  74 
19.  38335  Ivan Kukuljan  Physics  Technical associate  2019  12 
20.  34445  PhD Zala Lenarčič  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2021  74 
21.  05952  MSc Matija Lokar  Mathematics  Technical associate  2020  416 
22.  54213  PhD Patrycja K. Lydzba  Physics  Researcher  2020 
23.  38373  PhD Ivan Madan  Physics  Researcher  2015  37 
24.  32156  PhD Timon Mede  Energy engineering  Researcher  2019  30 
25.  37527  PhD Marko Medenjak  Physics  Junior researcher  2015 - 2018  15 
26.  54698  Luka Medic  Physics  Junior researcher  2020 - 2021 
27.  39398  Miha Mohorčič    Technical associate  2020  19 
28.  25625  PhD Jernej Mravlje  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2021  132 
29.  56001  PhD Sourav Nandy  Physics  Researcher  2021  21 
30.  35472  PhD Žiga Osolin  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2016 
31.  53461  PhD Luka Pavešič  Physics  Junior researcher  2019 - 2021  13 
32.  01105  PhD Peter Prelovšek  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2021  426 
33.  12279  PhD Tomaž Prosen  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2018  503 
34.  04544  PhD Anton Ramšak  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2015 - 2021  199 
35.  19162  PhD Tomaž Rejec  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2021  69 
36.  34618  PhD Anastasia Samodurova  Physics  Researcher  2016  18 
37.  01100  PhD Igor Sega  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2016  69 
38.  39920  MSc Jan Skolimowski  Physics  Technical associate  2017 - 2018 
39.  53852  PhD Fabio Staniscia  Physics  Researcher  2019  30 
40.  28483  PhD Jure Strle  Physics  Researcher  2016 - 2017  37 
41.  55801  Rafal Piotr Swietek  Physics  Junior researcher  2021 
42.  52067  PhD Jan Šuntajs  Physics  Junior researcher  2018 - 2021  18 
43.  06358  PhD Bosiljka Tadič  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2021  370 
44.  54617  PhD Michele Tammaro  Physics  Researcher  2020  11 
45.  53464  Martin Ulaga  Physics  Junior researcher  2019 - 2021  34 
46.  55803  Iris Ulčakar  Physics  Junior researcher  2021 
47.  39208  PhD Lara Ulčakar  Physics  Junior researcher  2016 - 2020  24 
48.  38346  PhD Igor Vaskivskyi  Physics  Researcher  2015  124 
49.  36938  PhD Daniele Vella  Physics  Technical associate  2016  71 
50.  29545  PhD Lev Vidmar  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2021  136 
51.  38123  PhD Lenart Zadnik  Physics  Junior researcher  2015 - 2019  20 
52.  23567  PhD Rok Žitko  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2021  255 
53.  21369  PhD Marko Žnidarič  Physics  Researcher  2015 - 2018  149 
54.  30657  PhD Bojan Žunkovič  Physics  Researcher  2018  33 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0106  Jožef Stefan Institute  Ljubljana  5051606000  92,018 
2.  1554  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics  Ljubljana  1627007  34,562 
We will study equilibrium properties and  non-equilibrium  dynamics of many body quantum  systems. An important class of such systems are compounds  with strongly correlated electrons revealing a rich variety of ordered phases at low temperatures. In the  framework of microscopic models of correlated electrons we will investigate  their equilibrium as well as non-equilibrium properties. In equilibrium we will determine the influence of interaction on their transport properties, transitions between different ordered states and their thermodynamic properties. Away from the equilibrium we will investigate the response of the system to short-time external perturbation. We will extend the linear response theory to study optical conductivity and spectral functions under nonequilibrium conditions and investigate mechanisms for thermalization in closed quantum systems.     We shall also consider fluctuation properties of many body quantum systems out of equilibrium. For simple model systems we will try to find exact solutions -- we have already developed some rather successful methods in this respect. An important quantity are also (local or pseudolocal) constants of motions that can in turn help us to understand quantum transport. We will also systematically investigate stability of conserved operators to generic types of integrability breaking perturbations. Findings from model systems will be then used to design and study quantum systems with interesting transport properties, e.g., large cross-transport coefficients (e.g. thermopower).   We will study heavy-fermion compounds. These materials contain partially filled d- and f-shell orbitals, which have very complex phase diagrams with different magnetic, charge/orbital ordered and superconducting phases due to strong interactions. We aim to unravel the phase diagram of the Kondo lattice model within the dynamical mean-field theory and its non-local extensions. We will investigate  topological insulators and superconductors, focusing on their edge states (chiral/helical electrons, Majorana fermions).   In the field of nanophysics we will continue our research in the area of processing of quantum information and manipulation of quantum qubits. We will explore the relevance and influence of the environment such as, e.g. fluctuations of local electric field due to moving quantum dot, on   the decoherence and relaxation of a qubit, a subject of great relevance for the emerging tecnologies for next generatin computres.   Research in statistical physics of complex systems and networks we plan to continue using graph theory and advanced numerical methods. Within the concept of nanonetworks, we will study structural and dynamical features of self-assembled nano-materials and molecular interactions at single-molecular level. Furthermore, we will expand the investigation of collective dynamics and agent-based modeling of social interactions, which we have recently conducted within FP7 project.
Significance for science
The proposed research program encompasses many research fields, covering a number of topics in the theory of statistical physics and condensed matter physics, which are at the forefront of research activities worldwide and have great application potential for new technologies. The research milestones set by our group have a firm basis in the achievements accomplished so far and internationally recognized for its quality. In the past six-year period  we have published over 190 scientific papers, 30 were published in the eminent magazine Physical Review Letters while most of published articles, 156, belong to the highest A1 category. Members of the research program have won distinguished awards for their scientific achievements. J. Bonča was in 2012 awarded the Zois award, which is the highest state award for outstanding scientific achievements, T. Prosen has in 2009 won the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel award that is given by the Humboldt foundation. J. Mravlje and L. Vidmar, were awarded the Golden emblem of J. Stefan for their PhD thesis. Below we briefly summarize and highlight the main subjects of our proposal.   In the theory of strongly correlated electrons we mainly address issues related to models related to the phenomenon of high-Tc superconductivity, to frustrated spin systems and to their anomalous thermal and transport properties. The ever growing list of new materials, while tantalizing for materials' physical properties, offers unforeseen opportunities for technological applications in many areas of human activity (e.g., high transition temperature to superconducting state, anomalously large thermal conduction of certain low-dimensional insulating spin systems etc.). The theoretical investigations in the field of nanosystems are of great importance for the understanding and development of new nano-devices and their potential application in e.g., medicine, public administration and affairs, households, etc.. Equally important is the the quantum computing and informatics, where a thorough understanding of decoherence effects is instrumental to an effective implementation of quantum computation algorithms and communication protocols. This subject is of great importance for the field of cryptography. Another  topic originates from the more general field of statistical mechanics and is devoted to the study of the complex dynamical systems and networks,  a topic with potentially large impact in a vast area of socio-economic infrastructure. We will developt  novel numerical methods for quantum systems and in this connection also maintain  state of the art computing capabilities. We have developed a new method to study many body systems at finite temperatures and a highly efficient method to study a doped charge carrier in a spin background. We have as well developed a very efficient mehtod of Numerical Renormalization Group that si freely available on the Web and used by many researchers worldwide.
Significance for the country
We are confident that our community as a whole benefits from our research efforts – which we strive to keep on an as high level as possible – for several reasons. While keeping pace with research at the forefront of the many topics in statistical physics and physics of the solid state, we are able to competitively interact with research groups worldwide, thus providing direct means for the enrichment of national scientific and cultural heritage. In the past research period we have organized 5 international conferences ( two on Yalta, Ukraine and the rest in Slovenia) while our researchers have presented invited talks on over 100 international conferences. Organization of international conferences, invited plenary talks on well recognised international conferences, citations of our work in review articles, publication of our research results in renowned journals, membership in international boards, joint EU projects and bilateral projects worldwide, all these contribute to the recognition of Slovenia as a modern European country with a well developed scientific and technological basis. Our achievements contribute also to our self awareness and confidence as a small nation amid the global community. We would like to underscore two more spin-off segments of our research activity for the nationwide benefit: the education of students and young researchers through the constant involvement in teaching processes at the Universities of Ljubljana  and at the J. Stefan International Postgraduate School. Another segment is maintenance of high-level research conditions, being a sine-qua-non for achieving a high added value to our domestic “products”, either intellectual or material, in the world of global economy. Our young researchers already during their graduate studies publish in eminent international magasines such as Physical Review Letters while the number of authors on such publications is typically between 2 and 4. As an example, L. Vidmar has published 6 publications in the above mentioned magasine during his graduate studies and was for his achievements awarded the Golden emblem of Jožef Stefan.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2015, interim report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2015, interim report
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